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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. Hello guys.. I need your lights for this one: I want to move this one in a another place, can be done? I don't know much from client, so I can't have a opinion about it..
  2. Thank you mate.. We hope the same thing.. Server will be not corrupted or big donations. Nothing special for donation items.. Players will pay only if feel lazy for enchant or augment (and other items who need farm/time). :) My goal, it's not about the money, but server needs money for dedicated/webhost. I do not care for my pocket. It's just a entertaining gameplay, not a job. Server will be online between 5/10 December.. I'm working alone in this project.. So it's not easy to skip the time..
  3. Thank you mate.. Yes, it's not something crazy or unique, but we will do that is possible to become day by day something different.. I hope to see you ingame.. :)
  4. Hello members of maxcheaters! The L2Network project, will offer you a pleasant stay! We came to stay, and this project will be near you for a lot of time! We promise that, you will not disappointed about this server. We will do everything possible, for a different gameplay and not like all the other same features. GRAND OPENING: 17/12/2015 18:00 GMT: +2 Website: la2network.eu Forum: la2network.eu/forum # Server rates: RateXp = 8000x. Starting Level 40 [Full A-Grade Equip Items] # Enchant Info: Enchant Safe = +4 Enchant Max = +16 (Normal scrolls+Blessed) Enchant Max Full = +20 (Crystal Scrolls) Enchant Max For Jewels: +14 Enchant Max Full For Jewels: +18 (Crystal Scrolls) Enchant rate with Normal scrolls = 80% Enchant rate with Blessed scrolls = 100% Enchant rate with Crystal Scrolls = 100% Augmented rates & Info: AugmentationMidSkillChance = 5 AugmentationHighSkillChance = 10 AugmentationTopSkillChance = 15 Augment Skills: 1+1 [Active/Passive] # Olympiad Info: New heroes every Sunday # Sieges Info: Sieges every week # Buffs Info: Buffs/Dance/Songs 3 hours Buff slots 74 Resists not available at the game # Sub & Class Change Info: Sub-Class without quest [All in one manager] Class change without quest Level of Sub-Class 61 # Noblesse Info: You can become noble on Class Master # Clan skills Info: Learn Clan skills on the Clan Manager Clan Skills items on the shop # Shop + Npc Info: Gm Shop up to S-Grade Farm / Event / Vote Shop Enchant Skills Manager Augementer Manager Raid Boss Manager Vortex Gatekeeper Wedding Manager Clan Manager Service Manager Ranking Info Town Buffer # Zones Info: Level Up Zone Newbies Zone [Safe] Adena Zone [PvP/Pk] Farm Coins Zone [2 PvP/Pk] LS Zone [1 Peace / 1 PvP/Pk] # Pvp Zone Info: In progress # Grand Boss Info: All GrandBoss available [8H Respawn/Auto flag] Valakas x2 all the drops. # Drop: Hero coin RB Jewels Life Stones [20 Mid / 26 High / 30Top] # RaidBosses Info: 6 RaidBoss available [3H Respawn] Sherub Galaxia Ember Ketra's Chief Brakki Ketra's Hero Hekaton Ketra's Commander Tayr Barakiel # Drop: 1 Enchant Crystal Weapon/Armor 10 Mid / 7 High / 5 Top # Custom Commands: .maintown .online .deposit / .withdraw .tvtjoin / .tvtleave .topzone / .network [Be rewarded for your vote] .buff_off - .buffoff // .buff_on - .buffon [Enable or Disable The Buff Protection] # Other info: Offline Shop TvT Event Champions System Banking System Raid boss respawn Announcement Pvp In a row message Pvp/Pk Color system PvP Reward system Anti-Bot Captcha [Find The Same Color] Hopzone - Topzone reward system [Afk Players Can't be rewarded] L2Network - Topzone engine [.l2network .topzone commands for reward] Killing spree [Every 7 pvp in a row] Customized Tattoos: Mage Tattoo / Fighter Tattoo [+100 C.spd / +100 Atk.spd] Customized Cloak: Cloak of Speed [+20 Speed] Website: la2network.eu Forum: la2network.eu/forum SERVER PICTURES: (Click for View) Main Towns: Giran // Rune // Goddard Farm Areas: Starting Zone [safe] Newbies Zone [Peace] - Drop: <<Adena, Blessed Scrolls, Farm item>> Adena Zone [PvP/Pk] Farm Spot 1 [PvP/Pk] - Drop: <<Farm Item>> Farm Spot 2 [PvP/Pk] - Drop: <<Farm Item>> LifeStones Zone [Peace] Gludin LS Zone (PvP/Pk) - Drop: << Mid, High, Top>> RaidBosses: Galaxia // Ember // Brakki // Hekaton // Commander Tayr // Barakiel - Default Locations. GrandBosses: Valakas // Antharas // Baium // Zaken // Orfen // Queen Ant - Default Locations. PvP Zone: [Auto Flag] (Auto Respawn 5 Seconds) Mix Zone [PvP/Pk] - Drop: Farm item // Mid, High, Top LS // Blessed NPC's: Gatekeeper // GM SHOP // EXTRA SHOP // Town Buffer // Class Manager // Augmenter - Skill Enchanter // AUGMENT STORE // Game Services // Clan Service Enjoy it tomorrow (17/12) 18:00 GMT +2 http://la2network.eu/
  5. L2Netwrok PvP Server Coming Soon!

  6. He want to learn how to put a script buffer.. :P But it's somehow easier to add a java buffer with this way. The Instance Buffer I was send, it's just a java file with buffs buttons inside, and he can easy put what he want without to put hml files. Only a template..
  7. Yes need some changes. Just remove the vip system/button and the other buttons you don't want.. It's very easy for modify.. He don't need good knowledges to do that.. If you mean this one, it's very simply/bad.. Give a look
  8. Καλησπέρα.. Δεν νομίζω πως υπάρχει κάποιος οδηγός, αλλά αν ασχοληθείς λίγο με το πρόγραμμα, θα δεις πως είναι πολύ εύκολο στη χρήση. Στο attack σαφώς και διαλέγεις τις επιθέσεις που θέλεις ο παίχτης να κάνει. Κάποια skills, μπορείς να τα κάνεις να χρησιμοποιούνται όπως ο παίχτης έχει HP/MP/CP κτλπ κάτω ή πάνω από το ποσό που θες.. Attack--> Type: διαλέγεις skills για να βάλεις με τι να χτυπάει. Attack--> Condition: Επιλέγεις ποιο skill θέλεις να κάνει με συγκεκριμένο όριο, όπως όταν ο παίχτης έχει κάτω από 5κ HP (δηλαδή My HP < 5000 τότε να κάνει Vampiric claw ας πούμε). Παρακάτω που έχει Target, είναι να διαλέξεις που θέλεις να κάνει τα skills. Π.χ Mob/Players, τότε μόλις ένας άλλος player αρχίζει να σε hit, το bot θα γυρίσει και θα τον χτυπάει. Attack --> Actions: Αν θέλεις να αρχίζει ή να βαράει μόνο με το attack. Τώρα για τα Mana Pot, θα πας Self Heal--> Type: θα διαλέξεις items και θα βάλεις τα mana potions. Με τον ίδιο τρόπο, διαλέγεις πότε να βάζει MP. Π.χ ( My MP < 500 ) Τα υπόλοιπα που μπορείς να κάνεις, θα τα μάθεις στη πορεία καθώς το ψάχνεις.. Δεν είναι τίποτα..
  9. no dude! You sell your adrenaline HERE on the forum.. Then, share here your video files for proof in servers with protection of this..
  10. Just use the if < HP (5k) bla bla... in the skills.
  11. working for all, working for all and the same words everywhere... Give us some video..
  12. It's not hard to create a spoil char, farm some lubricant, eaa and etc, sell it and you have a lot of money... The money in mid rate server it's nothing if you know how to get it.. Lubricants, sop and eaa = the power of easy money in mid rate server.. And that is just 1 way.. 20kk for 1$ it's somehow steal for a mid rate.. 1$ it's nothing ok, but 100kk for 5$ is something! I've play in x20 server, in 2 days I had more than 10 Gold bars from 3 offline shops. Sorry for spam... Good luck with your sales..
  13. Heh men.. You can't translate the script into java. :P Use a java buffer who is already share (for acis), and just change what you want. like buttons and etc.. You can use this one.. Change the icon buttons.. .append("<tr><td><button value=\"Wind Walk\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_getbuff 1204 2\" width=\"134\" height=\"21\" back=\"L2UI_ch3.BigButton3_over\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.BigButton3\"></td> <td><button value=\"Mental Shield\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_getbuff 1035 4\" width=\"134\" height=\"21\" back=\"L2UI_ch3.BigButton3_over\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.BigButton3\"></td> </tr>"); strBuffer width=\"134\" height=\"21\" back=\"L2UI_ch3.BigButton3_over\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.BigButton3\ Something like that...
  14. Then stop playing.. There is already more easily games like "tetris, pacman, mame games". It's not easy to bypass it... Try to rename the adrenaline and start.exe.. Start the adrenaline normally, after this, press stop on start.exe until smartguard window be closed. I don't know.. Just I read this way..
  15. Και σε εμένα μια χαρά δουλεύει.. Ποιος σου είπε εσένα ότι έκλεισε? Μην σε παρασύρει το ότι διαβάζεις.. Υπήρχαν θέματα επιθέσεων DNS και αποχώρησαν κάποιοι από τους developer επειδή δεν ήθελαν την ιδέα να γίνει open source..
  16. You have no idea what razvypp sell... He say Dedi + L2OFF files ready to run! You can find in Hyperfilter dedi with 80e? Please don't spam a topic, think first.. If you can! Good Luck ravypp. The prices it's good..
  17. Καλησπέρα αλήτες..
  18. Just use your imagination! (My opinion) Good luck..
  19. Try to re-add this code. It's working and for me for aCis last rev..
  20. Προσπαθείς να ανοίξεις 2 gameserver σε 1 login? Αν ναι, σου βγάζει πως η IP σου χρησιμοποιείτε ήδη, επίσης δεν έχεις δηλώσει hexid...
  21. Τον θέλω εγώ τον "SoulatAker".. :happyforever: Φτίαξε τον τίτλο σου φίλε.. Good Luck..
  22. Σωστή επιλογή! Και γω εκεί δίνω πόνο τώρα..
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