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Everything posted by Benihime

  1. How do u fail on setting a certain level on char creation? >.>
  2. Its 2014, no1 makes buff boxes anymore.
  3. Dis is dumb as fuck imo. Besides dat, lookin rly good though. Hope most of classes are playable.
  4. Dunno which hurt me eyes more,the white lines in da black font or his english written level.
  5. There are more resists than Resist aqua-wind-fire,cmon ur arguement is idiotic. Secondly,its not a mid rate and how u know rb jwls arent ez to get? U judge smth before u even try it, and in dis case, before its even created lol. free bump beeteedubz.
  6. Its way far from dat. With resists in buffer,mages in 99% of servers are useless. A few ++ will make em quite playable. Also,why armor +8 and jwls +7? Round em up and do jewels +8 too :)
  7. U must be a troll,there is no other explanation.
  8. Yes,u are right,its from l2roar xD
  9. Same killing announcements system,same gludin floor which is ur main town, I even recognise some of those players in chat. Dunno if its fake but its pretty hard to believe it is.
  10. Dis is the part where many ppl,including me,say "I told u so" :)
  11. In these kind of servers its sooooooo ez to hide edited chars. Not worth playin imo.
  12. Dat 10% hp/cp/mp tat...why 80% of servers have it? D:
  13. Wyratrux u are a bit lost there lold. A- I never flamed u or ur stuff friends,just commented on donations, B- I dont know what connection to l2destiny u are talkin about. Read posts carefully.
  14. U use word "hate" very wrong and irrelevantly. Enrichen ur voc plz.And to think dat u are 1 of da server admins..good grace. As for de donations, u take S grd recipes so lightly in a x10 server? There arent 50 wep recipes so get ur head out of ur arse. If u claim "3 recipes with same %" dat means 3 wep recipes FO SURE and u can sell EVERY SINGLE ONE of em for a high price. So practically,its like u are selling adena to ppl in exchange for real money. Please dont reply with "stop hatin" comments which are rly immature and dumb and instead come up with some counter-arguements. Im just a normal player considering whether or not to join ur server.
  15. Just took a look at ur donation list and its ridiculous. 3rd class change? hellfire oil and lunargents? S armor and wep recipes? Kinda sad to see dat.
  16. Or just farm ur ass off and buy em for 20-30k AA.
  17. I forsee many QQs with those ench rates :D
  18. If it was online back in '10 why did it shut down?
  19. Ill help u with a negative. VOTE2WIN SERVER rings a bell? :)
  20. Too low for u to trashtalk other servers while u edited chars in urs. /self_burn
  21. U gotta do smth more than just LS farm and augmenting...its just wasting time u ll never get back ;p
  22. We got an Einstein here. yeah its 80 now cuz of nerfin BD,not cuz Neysor left project and he was da only one who cared for it.
  23. And the creativity in L2 server names continues...
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