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Everything posted by Benihime

  1. So this means if u wanna pvp with mages,u have to open a 2nd box for resists,thus online number will look double from the original number. nais
  2. I still dont get why xp is 250.it makes no sense whatsoever.
  3. Dc at server selection screen.Even after deleting old system/copying new.
  4. u forgot something not so important...website.
  5. this is impossible.first time I see a srv wiping and opening 5 times in a week.
  6. its now officially the no. 1 fail srv i've ever seen.
  7. Looks...different. But no actual info about da new stuff in ur website.
  8. to those who liked the features and the srv: get a life.
  9. Srv reaches its limit at 70~ ppl.Lag like sh1t. Vote reward not working so no rb jewels,LS etc. Daggers are always either blowing for 2-3k or in this case,500 dmg on a simple sps.They do more dmg on light armor lawl. Many disfunctional skills. If nothing of those is fixed,srv is dead in less than a week.
  10. From 80,69. Dude u made my day. Even all buffs are not 69. With those slots,its gonna be another archer/dagger/tyrant srv.
  11. Never seen such a failed aswer.
  12. Seems like a decent srv. Worth a try.
  13. Mages are fucked up for some reason.Dealing 400-600 on a dagger and with facestabs working perfectly,theres just no point a t all to play there. Check the prices of the items too.
  14. failed combination. anyways,its just funny with all the subs.If u wanna kill some time,enter and play.
  15. Its not x5 also to farm for days for a decent weapon. GL
  16. Epicly lame. When a faction captures both castle and town,forget about them.U cant port back to fight for it.
  17. A single S grade weapon costs 100 kk and each mob in farm zones drops 2-3kk. A single ews costs 10kk.Good luck on farming and enchanting.
  18. If people give server a little time to do all the necessary fixes,it will be one of the best Interlude pvp servers till now.
  19. Good srv,successful for as long as it was open.
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