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Everything posted by Benihime

  1. Those mids were always archer pt vs archer pt cuz they dealt so much dmg,mages had 0 chance. Dont get me started on full resist daggers.
  2. Well makes sense..few ppl got time for a x3 (lol x3) or those who do,play already on other servers.\ Consider boosting rates to x7-10.
  3. Topic creator,u are trashy. Why would u have name urself "rapist", childhood issues?
  4. It wasnt a year ago,it was way less,maybe right before summer and pretending not knowing is a big minus for u luv.
  5. Its not dat hard of a farm rly.In a couple of days u can get dread weapons and relic jwls if u know ur way around farming.
  6. He enabled auto events today.
  7. Srv is live,move it to proper section please.
  8. My wish for 2015 is for dis stupid trend of high rate servers with these exact features to end :)
  9. I recall u had a similar srv few months back and it had major flaws in class vs class issues.
  10. Error when it loads l2.exe Nvm,fixed.
  11. Everyone can be hero in ur srv? As I can see from ur pics at least.
  12. Aaand fail occured. Apparently they didnt wipe since they obviously had reopened same srv under another name and ppl had old items.
  13. Rofled at Sawk's little brochure. Always full of b.s
  14. Who opens a srv w/o shared files boobface? Everyone needs smth to work on,its not like ppl are making core sh1ts or w/e from scratch. The difference is in how much work one devotes in his files and his knowledge.
  15. Well then,dunno how he gonna make any money if da only ppl playin will be da clans who got free items and maybe few clanless here and there. I just dont see any pros list here,just cons.
  16. Yah,da best in givin free items,like all those mids back in the day.
  17. He meant how many online,not if srv is online lol.
  18. U seem to be a psychic since u know what Im tryin to do around here hah. Anyways, u showed ur deal when u entered other servers advertisin urs as I said above so dont go all saint to me. Its true dat I didnt enter myself but a rly experienced mate entered and tested it so I ll take his word on dis one.
  19. I can neither afford to buy ur AIO nor hold 2 boxes to have a decent pvp so yeah, I wont be entering anytime soon. U should rename to l2business instead since u are so eager to earn money from AIOs cuz dats what AIO system always was, to make ez money.
  20. Its probably to boost da online counter too..if 1 player has at least 1 buff box, dats a double number and u are like "wow,dat srv has many ppl".
  21. Why do u compare aepvp with his. Kudos to him for tryin at least.
  22. At least make armors from gm shop buyable to safe enchant..its so boring to do 7 clicks each time just to get it to safe. Also,dont forget to make stuckable scrolls.
  23. Lemme guess. Wanna make some cash out of AIOs? Should be made sticky somewhere in dis forum dat AIO times are over since long ago. And whats with da buff times? prophecies 45min? cov 7? funny.
  24. True,custom zones are for low populated servers. If a server got 500+ real number,all high lvl areas are crowded and full of pvps. What I dont get is whether srv is live or still closed and if so,when is it opening.
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