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Everything posted by Benihime

  1. Lol,someone alert em and sue da sh1t out of this monkey.
  2. Lemme tell u smth bot. Farming was good enough to get S and then have a few AA to get Q items to enter epics. They werent worth farming to ench items cuz normal rate was like 60%. Twas a good srv but admin decided to base everything off votes,which is always a srv killer.
  3. Yeah right,u got like 5k ppl.. holy fackin moses,kids these days.
  4. Dunno "bothered" is da right word as much as "aware" of what a corruptive team u are. U were in da past helpin LittlePigs, u are again now with dat AS clan someone mentioned.
  5. Epic zones are NOT pvp areas -> carebear mode on. Some skills need rework such as Stunning Shot,Hamstring shot. Also u wanna check Blessing of Queen, seems it doesnt give proper amount of crit dmg. Tyrant stuns u for 10 secs and hits for sh1tloads of dmg w/o zealot-bison. Cancel works 1/20 while necro banes land immediately. In CTF u lose buffs after death whilst in TVT and DM u dont. Was just feelin a bit lazy to reg to ur forum so I posted here.
  6. Dat explains 1 wipe. Second one?
  7. Any good explanation for da 3rd opening in less than a month or so?
  8. U claim to have paid shitload of money to get official files but u cant afford a decent site? Smells like sh1t spirit.
  9. Dude,what u type is just...hilarious to say da least. Almost 0 bugs? with dat pack and feats? Right. But as Ive learnt in life,u never know so I give u da element of surprise :)
  10. After "4 years of silent development" dis is what u accomplished? starwars enchants and some customs? U are either too dumb to lie properly or u just straight dumb to set those features.
  11. Hes already da same douche who has opened dis kind of servers over and over again. All in all, they mustnt be more than 10 guys who do dis.
  12. Did u rly just post dat? So Im gonna play active sws just for rene or champ? Filter what u say. Even with ur boosted skills no1 will play bd or sws or WC.
  13. No 3rd class buffs in NPC.. lold. Dis guy thinks can make some bucks out of AIOs in late 2014, funny.
  14. Dunno whether to laugh or cry.
  15. I dont rob poor muthafackaz for 3 augs in a god forsaken l2 srv. So based on humanity,if u claim to be a human,whos da retarded. But judgin from ur profile pic,u must be a mudkip.
  16. Thank jesus for ddos.At least few dumb ppl will be saved from giving money to yet another aug/donate2win srv.
  17. As soon as NCsoft makes u sir a coffee and give u a foot massage, they will give u ur "last information".
  18. So true about the passive nobl thingie. Dont even know how dis dumb as poop idea popped up in ppl's bucketheads. Nobless is a buff and u should buff it and waste a slot so u dont have to pvp same guy 5 times in under 2min.
  19. If in ur life u got ur ass licked all da time and heard what u wanted to hear,its not my fault. There is negativity for a reason. Now stop bein a cheerleader for dis guy or just admit u are a petty gm.
  20. Rune castle is an epic classic faction map.
  21. I can already vision it. Giran town-random map-giran town-random map-giran town-same random map. Wish faction servers nowadays would delete giran town from maps.
  22. Small suggestion. U should limit boxes to main + 1 box in order to encourage ppl to play support classes and those who play em already to find a party to play.
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