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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. welcome again προβληματικε μου φιλε
  2. +1
  3. Annie for sure, and i find both anivia and morgana good as the 2nd choice ;)
  4. Am i boring now?
  5. Ελα βρε αρχι scammer μιλας κιολας.
  6. Join at IRC noob
  7. I would go to exact opposite, everything else except baium required :P
  8. I knew Koyfo from Thegame forums(back at 2005), then i saw he was mod in past here :P
  9. Ι needed only the first image, thank you =)
  10. Αν ηθελε μηχανακι θα τον ειχε ανοιξει μονο και μονο για τα donations απο τον Ιουνιο ;) Σοβαρευτειτε λιγο.. Και το να στησεις καλα εναν Interlude server ειναι πιο δυσκολο αποσο νομιζετε, δεν εχετε ΙΔΕΑ ποσα προβληματα παρουσιαζονται στην πορεια ;)
  11. Στην τελικη ολη η καθυστερηση γινεται ωστε ο server να ειναι τελειος, οχι σαν τους server που ανοιγουν με 1 βδομαδα δουλεια και κρατανε αλλο τοσο :/
  12. kewl stars
  13. why raule no hidden what de fack
  14. Raule, Finito, Cedry2k and 0 Guests are viewing this topic. first time seen this ;O
  15. Even if actually 'No life!Just MxC' should go vise versa with 'MxC Hero'
  16. so your trying to 'offend' some users with high post rank? I think maxtor wants people to have high post counts, and not 'lifers' that don't post at forum :P All the forums have better post ranks while getting up higher, and you get worse while getting more .... nice tactic indeed ;P Your actions look rly pathetically while you are actually trying to help a forum that dies cause there are no topics/posts :P
  17. seriously man, do you want people to stop posting and go into sub-accs just to not have shitty ranks?
  18. Could you give a link of upcoming news?
  19. Γιατι δεν φτιαχνεις εσυ.
  20. So that's how you want to 'reward' people for their activity? With a lol title? Will make a reply later, if i think of something :P At 6500, change 'left ma bones' to MxC Hero! At 7500, new rank MxC Veteran ? or insert somewhere 'GodFather' Maniac, etc'
  21. Ye thats why i have spoken to maxtor more times as legendary than L2mod....
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