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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. cause your team could atleast 'play'
  2. you are just a retarded moron..
  3. Me? Just got in a team with 5 AP casters(i was picking first) IS IT MY FUCKING FAULT?
  4. Reptant_

    fifa 12

    private tracker
  5. Reptant_

    fifa 12

    I downloaded FIFA12 and didnt need ANY serial, whats the problem with yours? :P
  6. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=221995.msg1940526;topicseen#new stupid lock :( its still a suggestion, i wanted to give the smf modification today but..
  7. too bad u cant carry the retarded polands we get in our team all the time..
  8. yeap ur voice is so funny that you entertain him in order to win ^^ and still, luck is the main thingy at solo q ;)
  9. Are you greek(so i can link you with products and make a direct place) ?
  10. Matching with 2 retarded greeks in ranked, one left and the other one feeded like hell even if we were going to take it 4v5 he made his miracles and we lost ^^
  11. Every e-mail i try to use, it says ' E-mail is already registered with another account'
  12. Ναι ορεξη που εχω να κανω 15 ωρες την βδομαδα μαθηματα γενικης παιδειας και ΕΙΔΙΚΑ φιλολογικα. οκ
  13. every email i am using if already used, wtf?
  14. Τhe PC turboX made sucks for real. May gonna make you one later With AMD CPU, good GPU and 4 gb ram
  15. there is a smf mod for that btw ;)
  16. fu tristana is rly awesome best ad carry late game :P
  17. Want to activate GodMode in Windows 7? Here's how! >Windows 7 users are all abuzz about the OS and its GodMode. If you haven't heard of it, GodMode is a feature that was revealed by CNet's Microsoft Correspondent, Ina Fried. GodMode is a folder that brings together a long list of customization settings allowing you to change all your settings from one place. Neat huh? It's very easy to enable and damn useful if you tweak things around a lot. I've broken it down into five-step process to avoid confusion: Step 1: Right click. Step 2: Click create folder. Step 3: Name your sparkly, new folder this, "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" and press enter. Step 4: Blink as the folder changes form to look like the control panel. You'll have to see yourself how it looks inside!@ Original topic
  18. and maxtor didnt announce anything here yet sweet ;P PS: CHeck forum ;)
  19. Which is the e-mail one? I have 5 offers
  20. Wonder how you completed the surveys. You need to pay 2$ from ur phone for them..
  21. Donating in League of legends doesnt make you a better player ;)
  22. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=61596 I warned him(told him actually..) what rules say(max height of 300 pixels) but he obviously ignored me
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