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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. You are the LoL moderator, you should organise it
  2. read the announcement in top of lolclient at the SS ;)
  3. yep mixmaster has the knowledge to manage them, leave it..
  4. Just a chance to old members like Nikoloudos. Or another Java moderator for that +1 for Nikoloudos anyway, and AnimaAequietatis somewhere, gold or LOL, hes better than Bleik in any way (experience and moderation) and gregor(seriously) in moderation..
  5. Ye i saw his actions lately, he is worse even than some newbie moderators. I was fixing his abuses all the time, he was doing stupid things back then and now. Its doesnt matter if hes 15 years here or 5 months, its a matter of knowledge of how things work, and a correct sense.. They both suck at this anyway :P
  6. Same shit if you ask me. But atleast CE makes some shares, even though if he becomes a mod he will fvck up everything
  7. και ίδιες τελειες :Ρ καταρχας κανεις μας δεν θα ειχε γενηθει, απλο :Ρ
  8. ok will pm you next time, i was wondering who's the rageeeeftw in my friendlist lol :P
  9. εμας τα φερανε χθες και χωρις καταληψη, τι παει να πει
  10. Cause you dont trust people and in final, you want to do it alone, its too much and you totally leave it.. You are the one who should be splitted ;)
  11. wish it comes true, but i dont think so it's maxcheaters, so u should atleast change the name of forum lol :P Last post for today Look at the problem? http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=stats compare september 2011 with another month(before july) of 2011.(all statistics) gn ;)
  12. Ye you are not the first person who tells me that lately. Or i just 'judge' the situation as i can see, with honest. Too bad almost every time i come true to things like that :( They wanna play not chat in a foruuuuuuuum since there are no cheats, not many tricks, what do u expect?
  13. Yeap, its rly impossible. You know, as you told in past at mxb, there are groups. Some leave, some come. That's all. There are deeper problems in mxc, as i mentioned before. Get into real life issues, news, everything like that besides gaming ; the whole gaming/online gaming shit is dying and you can see it.
  14. Του χρονου θα κανουν 4 ωρες την βδομαδα, φαντασου... μα που ακουστηκε τοση αχρηστη θεωρια σε τεχνολογικους..
  15. Merging 3 forums as u tell at ur sign, even if its impossible :P To sum ; -Share motivation with cooler awards -Post motivation (Shop) -Tours/events, with good awards. That's all for me, nothing more to add. Find ways to achive these 3
  16. carecup, καλυτερα να μεινουμε και σπιτι να διαβασουμε
  17. Someone should make the start. But no reason to do so in a dead section if noone is interested, no reward, nothing rly ;P you=plural
  18. but do you believe anyone would share just to get some 'karma' ?.. sofi -> you know everything starts from you You close more topics than you open, thats the bad thing ;)
  19. and more locks , and locks, for what? It's like ages when a staffer made a new share, rly made users motivate.. People want money now, not lulz awards ;)
  20. The way they work doesnt help in any way , now. Nothing with the people, just the way they work, just like i used to work in here.
  21. start banning all people then. It's rly pointless
  22. Maxtor about the topic, just think about the situation I have 40 friends VIP in here I have made around 50 shares. I can get ~2 karma per week from them , so i get atleast near 30 karma Just an example, and WILL happen.
  23. rly pointless since all the ' activity ' is meant to be there and not hidden under 15 subboards.
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