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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Anyway, his C5 is past now, this is a GF ;)
  2. Good server, Karakan is a recommended person as well.
  3. Εγω παντως σαν Moderator, κακα topics/κακους κατα ομολογια servers(homehosted/free domain) δεν τους αφηνα. Μπορεις να δεις την σχετικη παραγραφο στα rules του section. Το τι κανουν ειναι αλλο θεμα ;)
  4. Junk κατευθειαν τα τοπικ που δεν ειναι ποσταρισμενα σωστα.Απλο
  5. και παλι, πρεπει να το κανεις ρεπορτ, και οχι να πραξεις μονος σου μενγκ ;) Οτι ειπα και πανω ^ οσο αξιζει αυτος το dekarma αλλο τοσο και εσυ γιατι εκανες το ιδιο :D
  6. Ιt's normal to pwn at 20 level matches with trynda.. later u will see hes ultra useless
  7. Let me give you one more, your share worthed more =)
  8. πρεπει να στο δωσουν επειδη τους αρεσε, και οχι επειδη τους ειπες.
  9. Καλα εσυ BaGGoC παρακαλα λιγο ακομα για karma αγορι μου..τραγικε
  10. In the end , it's not only about advertisment, but about the community. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=195456.0 and read some therefore posts ;)
  11. δες το υπερτατο guide του παραξενηκατασταση.
  12. Ιt was not in the morning 8) Anyway, we all know server's fate.Not cause of YOU, server may be REALLY nice. But of the community. And trust me, you gotta realise it Really soon ;)
  13. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=95556 Please, i want an answer from global, ^^
  14. Your clueless as hell, dynasty was always the best choice in Epilogue anyway...in 'normal' servers you wont have all these items you just mentioned. DEX-8 is rly bad, evasion and speed/skill success will be fvcked up.Why should you do this?. Dont forget that at Gracia+, skills have chance to be evaded ;) Why should you even use shield when activating UE lol.. And why Sigil instead of a Shield?..
  15. Not so many people for 600 people server, i could say..
  16. Trance he has posted the MSN adress at his profile at aCis :P
  17. depends of the stats these tatoos have, cause they are customized i would go for a Pdef or HP one
  18. Aστυνομικες 13.600 τι ανεβηκαν,,
  19. Στρατιωτικη σχολη με ~4.000 μορια λολ
  20. Anyway, if finally the shiat happens(with any way...even a Paypal dispute) what will u do ?
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