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Ronin 007

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Everything posted by Ronin 007

  1. l2jave has lol enchant max... Playing at borderline atm its quite good actually.
  2. Playing there atm, its not bad but clans kinda suck there and a server with fresh start in the near future would be the best. Thanks anyway!
  3. What I am looking For Interlude High Rate 100-5000+ Enchant Max. cannot be higher than 20, but I'd prefer something like 16 Enchant at least 60-100% depending on the max. No custom gear English / International A new/soon to be open server would be the best. Balanced Donations P.S.: Also I don't want a server that was made by some 14 years old dude, so something that at least looks serious plix! ^^ Also if you are want to play on the same kind of server, and looking for a buddy to play with; maybe make/join a clan together send me a PM/Post here! So we can pvp, pk together! :D Remember the more the merrier, its easier the pwn in group ;).
  4. Playing here atm, this is the best high rate so far! Most servers have fckd enchant rates, anything over +16 ruins the pvp experience.
  5. Pretty good server! One of the few with good enchant rates! Not some useless 3/500 with 50%...
  6. Ohh, I am looking for the same kind of server! So bump! :P
  7. Hey all! I am looking for a group to play with coz I am bored playing alone and searching for normal clans. I'd like to play with players who aren't total newbies and they use ventrillo/teamspeak. I think we should play on a Mid or High rate Interlude server with 500+ players or more but if its good enough I dont care about a lower server population. Server Suggestion: http://www.l2-renewal.net/index.php?page=servinfo If you are interested playing Lineage 2 Hardcore :D , then write! ;)
  8. I don't know exactly but I've heard on official servers 80% of the population is bot... Anyway you should wait for other replies, maybe someone more experienced in this topic.
  9. You don't need it . However a bow for a TH could come handy ;) ! It's a basic tactic to carry a bow with you :P. If you got root or something, it is very useful weapon.
  10. If c5 is good for you then visit: http://www.frozen-l2.com/
  11. Hello! Welcome to our forums!
  12. F.E.A.R. ... My favorite FPS for playing online ;)! I was really cool in it, I went up to a server and pwned them all :D! Many times people called me cheater, even if there's no way to cheat... So I think everyone should try it, because its a great game online and offline too!
  13. Ohh guys, without enchant Lineage 2 would be a whole different game... Anyway you were really lucky, it's even hard to belive!
  14. Great guide, thanks for the Useful information!
  15. Hmm, sounds interesting; I'll try this out!
  16. Really good work, looks faboulos on Human Characters ;) ! Nice share and thx!
  17. Homonkulus is easy in many servers but delvl? I've tried to delevel and I stopped it after a few dies... So my from 74 to 40 would take a lot of time and I think you need a bot for it or a people who lives like one ^^.
  18. Cod 4 pwnz Cs:1.6, because its newer -> better graphics, more features etc. ...
  19. Cool movie! Btw in "Epic movie" there are some funny scenes about Scarface; you should check that out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udwC7iim-Nw
  20. They are just similar not the same, however Rappelz suxx xD . I didn't like the game at all...
  21. Good server! Btw Kamael is just cool, the whole game has changed! :P
  22. Very useful! Thanks for the share!
  23. WoW! Thanks a lot.. its very usefull! Btw pmfun is the best if you want to learn something; so visit the site!
  24. Nearly all kind of music... :D Trance,disco,dance,pop,pop-rock,80s year's music,some classical songs and even more styles! ;)
  25. Even though it, is a good way to keep good post private and avoid faster patching and fixing, It is also frustrating for the low posters being unable to see the info...
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