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Ronin 007

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Everything posted by Ronin 007

  1. Thanks for the comics! And I think the first one was the best ;)!
  2. Hello guys! :D I am looking for a Lineage 2 server where I can play as I always wanted. :P Here are my requiments: -Mid or High rate (15-500+). -Fun server; I mean it should have the features what a better pvp server has (autoskill learn, global gatekeeper, maybe gm shop etc.). -Events and friendly GMs. -At least 300 players online even in the worst times. -Wihout donate or acceptable donation system ( where you can't buy godlike weapons and armors for money and ruin the whole server and the fun part of it). -Off mod would be better but if I have no other choice then L2J will works too.. -A mostly english speaking community would sound great! Btw I don't care if its C4, C5, Interlude or CT1! ;D
  3. Thats very funny!
  4. 967
  5. What are you talking about?
  6. Big lol!
  7. Thanks, it works on some L2j servers ;) !
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