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Everything posted by lalalalalala

  1. after playing some more,... well, farming is too much for me
  2. this isn't for l2off :)
  3. way above the average L2J that opens every week, pretty cool
  4. It has got all to do with most people's mindset. In Europe/America/Russia, we PvP in real life for any random flying crap that we see the other may achieve before you, try to impose our views over others, disrespect almost everything and don't even try to look at things from a different perspective. Close to insanity. Most people of asian countries have a whole different mindset than this one... while here we are greedy liars that will take any opportunity for making some sort of delusional profit by betraying people for it or whatever it involves, there they are way more of a helping type and way more sympathetic with everyone else, they like co-op stuff and play together to have fun, not to own others in shame, they respect their enemies. Instead of calling them "noob x0ax0a", they try to share their tips/tricks and will never admit that - even if you are horrible in PvP - that you suck and are worthless ingame. In other words, they care about other's feelings. If you ask me, they don't even really care what do they play. So L2 resolves around the market it got more income from, and it was Asia, so they are making a game that appeals to what they want to play. And they want to have fun, so they are making glittery starwars stupid crap for them to create evinronments where they can have some :D Both mindsets are present in both territories, but generally, that is what predomines in both territories. I would love a PvP community that would respect itself and try to get better and better, creating higher levels of play.
  5. all suck, I keep roaming the forums now and then, but all the new highrates that pop up suck
  6. you guys need to realize that L2J went 95% private and 5% public it's not what it was before :( that's why some things never get fixed and the rest of things are so damn slow
  7. I still can't tell if they are trolls or not really good job if they are though
  8. you need no cheat engine if you go linux, you know :p
  9. search for the error in l2net forums, it's an antibot that hasn't yet been bypassed
  10. you dont' even know what you are saying
  11. if lameguard is there, it checks for MAC, not WAN IP... which means proxies mean nothing I'm sick of this antibot :-[
  12. looks decent, maybe you could post more info about it, like epics, or other custom stuff that you added/removed
  13. no, because you do not kill the mob, someone from your party does
  14. zerk+zerk dance = suicide if a mage targets you
  15. //remove_reuse oO
  16. The original model is from Frintezza cloak, right?
  17. dunno if this one is working or not, but I once saw a screenshot with ss author+9 party members
  18. Imo the 2 biggest factors of why L2 is dying in Europe... but still fine in Russia and other areas is... in order of importance: 1) NC West sucks, doesn't advertise, 2 years outdated webpage, fails at management...and so on... so many fails hurt badly in the end; plus it's still by subscription - after 7(?) years. Just way too many fails to name them all, can't even remember now. Oh, yes. They ban bots now, when they have been allowing it for like 10 chronicles. 2) Since NC West sucks, people try the private sector. And what do they find? Crappy servers everywhere. Not because they are L2J, but because 99% of the servers are just done for donation purposes, no real interest in making the game experience better. Also, they have an estimated lifetime of 3 months max. So just 2-3 "acceptable" low rate servers with good online (1k), but nothing epic like Asterios
  19. If you work hard enough on it, and add packet support for all it's values so you can debug stuff and forge your own packets easily, I'm sure it will become the new phx :p looks nice btw!
  20. Chrome, on release, was a big chunk of **** eating memory like there was no tomorrow Now I consider it the best, with mozilla on 2nd because of the very nice plugins some people do I use both ^^
  21. It works in any l2off that has some item lag and not only that, many more things can be done :D
  22. This is true only on most of the european community, it's going down Russian community still has all this (and it's growing), and some big clans already moved to Russian servers
  23. no AdBlockPlus -> no win like, seriously
  24. how about revision numbers? o.o
  25. played on the old one for some time, was kinda meh.. ^what happened with rush?
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