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About lalalalalala

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  1. what do you mean with adapting starcraft? it's all pixels
  2. if you are going to have vorpal, elegia,etc--- you might aswell have H5
  3. are you all dumb or something? I dont even know why I'm replying, but just so you know - max enchant means nothing in lowrates, because no one will ever get close to it. for your information, retail has max enchant +65535
  4. don't ever get CDR in kata, it's useless. You have all the CDR you want if you use her passive correctly :)
  5. All physical skills damage is dependant on patk, daggers add crit damage modifiers but patk still counts are you saying that you will make the same damage with no-grade dagger and S? not really or why have crit damage SA on dagger? vicious stance? it's patk added on crit/dagger skill (because it uses crit damage)
  6. +4 duals = SA physical skill damage is dependant on patk, so OE duals = more damage from skills because of more patk
  7. akinator is full of win
  8. some are a really boring farmfest, baron fight, aced and win-type of matches... -.- others are full of awesome stuff going on everywhere
  9. I really want to see how the chinese are playing the game
  10. league of trolls the probability of finding trolls in rankeds is way higher than in normal I hate it because I'm stuck with idiots that loose me the game, reason why I don't play solo queue anymore, only 5v5
  11. I think it's a really bad move to not allow normal users to search the forum I mean, there are litterally 02374920 topics you would need to go through before finding something useful related to what you are searching http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=search;advanced .. allow search please
  12. what? 1) poppy can jungle, not the most effective jungler but it can be done 2) no one has more burst damage than poppy, maybe leblanc 3) if someone can initiate a fight, it's poppy and not trynda 4) trynda can go through walls etc, but poppy can run much faster with W (and you usually take speed boots and/or trinity, so even more speed) 5) enemy carry just gets instagibbed by poppy, who cares about -100 AD if there is no carry I dunno why there is even a comparison about those 2 heroes, they are way too different and are supposed to accomplish different goals
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