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Everything posted by lalalalalala

  1. wtf is [L2J/L2OFF] (?) never seen something like this
  2. old l2 = more real l2, aka when ships didnt fly and people didn't wear clown armors atleast that is old l2 for me
  3. there are many interlude lowrate/midrate 100% retail, without customs the problem: they are russian :D http://l2top.ru/
  4. its from there http://l2jserver.com/old-forum/thread.php?threadid=27154 appreciated for sharing it nevertheless :)
  5. I remember back in time when I was updating my C5 client to interlude and there was a dinosaur on the frontpage of the updater... C5 was like the dark age of L2, oath of blood - really cool name! In the background of the login screen Rune Castle was in fire, secret rituals and all the sensation of medieval things came to mind ... necropolis, catacombs, and other scary and dark stuff was all you could find in the map. But then dinosaurs, fantasy island, and really stupid accessories appeared - and that was only interlude. That felt very bad, like-- dinosaurs are not for this game!!! I didn't really care about the fantasy island, it was supposed to be an events place, but I still thought to make it look like that, that it was stupid as hell... Now I think about that, and I didn't even yet see the horror of the lolarmors in the next updates Now, I like many things of the recent updates, but absolutely hate some others because they destroyed the medieval style of the game (lolarmos, again)
  6. It's because people that usually visit gs200 already know and checked out the top servers (and are probably absolutely bored of them), so when an unknown server arises that they could be interested in it, they check it out immediately
  7. I must say that doran blade is like the worst first item for poppy, you can't really use it and will get harassed easy. Get doran shield to avoid problems against harass in laning, or doran ring if you are going to play aggressive and get more last hits with your Q. Or skip doran and get sapphire crystal + hp pots and rush Sheen. Also, boots of swiftness... they can be great for moving around, but I feel like magic penetration boots will be better since you already have your W to run, and what you want is to hurt people, not to follow them around. You already have the Trinity Force for slowing people, I don't think you need the extra speed, but you need the magic penetration. Warmogs after trinity is fucking lol, won't even comment. If you need to tank the whole team, you ult the champ that has less damage and kill the rest. Same with madreds, you need atk speed for that to be effective. Phantom Dancer is ok after Trinity Force, but I prefer to rush DFG to begin 2-shotting people, and then get Phantom Dancer. My build: Doran's Shield/Ring -> Sheen -> MPen boots -> Trinity Force -> DFG -> Phantom Dancer/Banshee -> Phantom Dancer/Banshee
  8. ruoff is nowhere near dead NCNA always sucked hard goddess update will probably suck too
  9. It's not that "no server is good for you". It's that EVERY single highrate out there has minimum 1 thing that totally makes it not worthy to join: imbalances, bugs, retarded farm, corruption, lag, loldonations. A decent highrate: when was the last time you joined one?
  10. No one in this thread gives a damn about your midrate
  11. lf decent pvp server with not much farm/instant pvp and where debuffs don't have a horrible landrate
  12. that's like the only thing missing in L2Net :p
  13. L2Net is the best
  14. Good luck, lots of nice features I won't play though, x5 is not for me :p
  15. you can always check russian servers, they are always zerged example: http://www.firepoint.ru/index.php
  16. Sounds very nice custom project I would like to add 1 thing: Matk/Patk increase is not equivalent with the same % increase comparing to the damage done. Example for this is Empower 3 giving 75% M.atk and Might giving 15% P.atk. I'm saying this because you add the same % in Matk/Patk for the Combat Dances, so 9% Matk is nothing compared to 9% Patk Good luck with your project, will check it out when it's live for sure
  17. sounds like a farmfest server to me, but I'll give it a try
  18. make them free, or don't add them :/ good luck =)
  19. TERA is where all the old employees that worked at NCSoft for L2 are, so TERA is basically the spiritual successor of L2
  20. I was expecting it http://www.realpvp.com/donate/donation-list/
  21. L3 = Tera
  22. ask an oracle I've been searching for a lot of time, I sadly can't recommend you any PvP server
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