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Everything posted by lalalalalala

  1. so, you can't learn last lvl of skill, you can't enchant skill gz devs
  2. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+create+a+webpage there is all you will ever need
  3. Anyone remembers Shards of Destiny? Gracia Final... I think there were ~200 users on first day, it had a lot of potential, lots of unique features that I yet have to see in another server and many more things, but it terribly failed... after 3 days or so, it was completely dead I don't know what they did to screw up balance so badly to the point of playing something that was not L2, but just so you see, if you put enough features and really work on your server instead of lame plug and play, you may get 200 users to join (being very optimistic).
  4. use latest freya and adapt it to gracia final imo
  5. that server is far from being the best pvp server and so is any I recently joined only crap highrate/donation servers everywhere :/
  6. try putting all levels, from 1 to max lvl, I remember smth like this
  7. I was answering OP because he said he would host it on VPS... My ideal server is pretty much RPG-club x15 (with freya update would be even better), but I'm stuck at 77 because I don't have that much time anymore... so now I'm playing as a random on a pvp server because I don't have time to really play and I rather spend it pvping with my friends and having fun than farming all the time :x I'm not posting ideal server setup because it's not so much about rates/zones/etc, it's aobut l2j/l2off, and in my opinion if something is not l2off 100% (like rpg), it's not really worth to play there seriously (longterm) because l2j has just too many bugs and things working incorrectly, short life expectancy servers, retarded admins... etc
  8. Don't use VPS... it will lag like hell and if you need the RAM for loading geodata, you will be paying more than for a dedicated
  9. thanks a lot, worked! ;_;
  10. there is no farm
  11. Hi guys anyone of you has a system folder or the files for making an original freya system accept all kind of character input (unicode)? because atm I can not use any special characters or cyrillic with NA/EU client... The last I found was for epilogue, and it doesn't work + L2 crashes after a while thanks
  12. ETA of.....? playable version? :p I'd say have patience
  13. If you are proud of your lolserver, I have nothing more to add
  14. I'm +1 for this... so much fail server
  15. SK +SoS with BD and SE can do it aswell in 5-10min max, and archer parties killing raids ... yeah, C5 I guess ...
  16. hopzone is full of shit, so is your server
  17. the elegia 2h blunt looks terribad, it's like an insult to L2 history
  18. say that again after watching this movie ^^ (2+GB) http://video.l2movie.ru/pathtoaheroaugust.mp4
  19. well, it's not thaaaaaat bad comparing it to other servers, but they really need to fix archers
  20. 100% same as l2fx even same IP ^^
  21. did you call me? :)
  22. what's the point of having the latest gear from that chronicle? it doesn't matter, and vesper is fugly
  23. GTA 2 ;_; I remember playing it over LAN for hours with my friends GTA san andreas would be my 2nd choice, played it over multiplayer a lot too, http://www.sa-mp.com/
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