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HeadHunter last won the day on September 6 2021

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    Lineage II Java Developing

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  1. Great share thank you mate!
  2. If you create and for HighFive will be great. THnks for share btw
  3. Skilled client developer and trusted seller! I have work with him and i recommend him.
  4. Dude i saw just a hate and no unswer my questions.If you dont like my post just don't unswer no need to flame.
  5. Ofc is not fake what the heck are you talking about? The fact that I'm working on retail is not about with my post.Before do any move about my project I ask opinions about it. If you hate inside you go buy a box sack!
  6. Sorry mate miss click i didn't noticed
  7. I heared in the past that L2JSunrise took from LordWinter his source and start working on it and they created their company. Dunno if that is true
  8. I already have files and start working on it. About advertising yes i think will be the hard part so...
  9. Thank you all about your opinions mates.How i see the problem is that with Mid servers who the most of Admins don't know how to change the configs and they called in players "Admins". So i hear from one side of L2 community "Pay to win server,3 months server,corrupted admins and so on".... The other side of L2 community says "No more time to play so we made full donation and get all items in no-time or the game is dead so i will search for mid or pvp server just to make my fun or im a clan leader and recruiting CP's to have more players that i will make a deal with "Admin" and i will have 100 euro per week to bring all my clan mates and i will get and full donation coins to give to my mates every week. That kind of people they are not players and ofc they don't like the game,they see it as a job. So that kind of people for my opinion they destroyed the Private servers. Ofc there is few Private Servers that they have done really good job with at least critical core bugs and i don't rush newbies to open live servers with free shared files if they don't have the knowdlege to fix bugs and ofc without source! Me from the other side i believe in Humanity and to community from these who play that game from old times and missed the old style gameplay of retail. I will make a retail 100% server and i will try to simulates the NcSoft gamestyle like (90 days items...etc) I preciate that your opinions and i will give a try to provide a good and no corrupted retail server. Best Regards to all of you.
  10. Then you need Client Developer dude.
  11. Your welcome mate i hope that small guide to solve many problems. Best Regards
  12. I will i want believe the old style gameplay is not died because some corrupt Admins pay clans to join them.
  13. Hello dear friends im wonder if from community missing a 100% retail HighFive server full funtional. Me and my team we planning to Open one retail with daily login rewards/90days items etc. My problem that i wanna discuss is :The L2 community is intresting for retail server ofc with not critical bugs and with full support. Please place a comment bellow to see your opinions.
  14. sigoura den exeis anoiksei ta ports. pane sto firewall apo ta windows/gia proxorimenous kai kane add rules kai inport kai export. 2106/7777/3306 an thymamai kala
  15. Hello Cheaters as the tittle says how to fix our Geodata if have issues in some Maps. The only thing that you need is 3 things. 1. Much time 2. Many Geodata files from shares worldwide 3. Coffie That work if our pack have the Npc's with xml and not with Sql : First right click create new.txt file and Open it with Notepad ++ and put that inside : @echo off COLOR 0C title L2-Eternal-World: Spawn xml Search cls echo. echo.Thank you for using our services - L2-Eternal-World Team echo. :find set /p text="Enter text search: " echo. echo.search text "%text%" result: findstr /I /N %text% *.xml echo. goto find and press save. After create that cmd tool paste it inside gameserver/data/npc/spawns. Now rename it to search.cmd This is the only tool that we gonna need.....easy eh? Now go to game and go to the reported area who have issue. Search near area for a Monster or any Npc. Shift+Target to Npc or Monster to see his ID. Now go to gameserver/data/npc/spawns and run the search.cmd that we created before. write inside the cmd the npc or monster ID that you find near the spot with the issue and press enter. For ex you will see 14_21 side of npc. Great! This is the Map of Geodata that we have this Npc so and the issue! Open from another Geodata folder that you have find from free share here in MxC or somewhere else and copy the 14_21.jar map. Go to your server files and inside gameserver/data/geodata Or (gameserver/Geodata) and paste the map and replace it. Run the server again and see if your issue is fixed. With that way you can make your own geodata piece by piece so i think you gonna need more than 1 cup of coffie:) I hope that Guide to help many of you. Best Regards to all of you.
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