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Everything posted by sandpants

  1. Define PvP server. MP pots? 60 buffslots? All items in GM shop? Nobl on login? Super event coins for whatever? Super hats for donations with inbuilt judicator skills? = Not a PvP server, just PvE server made easy. If you want to make a PvP server, it has to force people to PvP. On "highratePvPlolserbers" the only PvP you see is oly. People are afraid to go out of town. So yes - what exactly are you planning?
  2. Yep, 3rd installment in the series pretty much makes it lineage 3. So we should, for the sakes hurting all those "die-hard" fans, call it Lineage 3 as much as possible. Lineage 3 is going to be great!.
  3. L2 is prequel to Lineage. This game is a sequel to Lineage. It's gonna take magic and perhaps the ability to divide by zero to make Eternal a prequel to L2. It's timeframe is beyond both lineage and Lineage 2. But considering lore does not even fit any longer, for as long as the last 6 updates or so, I doubt it matters...
  4. Also means fail. Things change, people's interest change. Your opinion is only an insignificant fraction of people who still live back in the "7 years ago". Keeping it "lineage2" won't do crap. L2 itself is already dying in Korea. GoD/harmony/tauti didn't help, go read their articles. It's about money. L2 and it's concept is actually falling in asia now. And if it does not produce an income for NCsoft, they won't do "lineage2" or anything like it. Now get pissed off and rage as your petty lineage2 wet dreams get crushed by the mighty heel of NoCareSoft, and watch them develop new games and gameologies that will make them money, because for each of you, which do not like them, there will be 5 that do like them.
  5. sandpants


    The -beep-? Communist on what basis? Sound mad more.
  6. Hope the "clan war" dungeon place thing is actually big enough for a clan war and not small to the point where every turn of the camera is gonna -beep- up the field of view. Like some others, I'm not convinced that you put your effort into such things which will actually make it a largely different server from others. But the least us trolls owe you is some attention for the effort you put. Good luck. I'll be there.
  7. Not a skill, but a stat. No ID chances are... Through XML can be added, I think (check on L2j XML help page -> google). But still, like other stats (pdef/mdef) not added through skill.
  8. Looking at the icons and stuff, this is bound to have client mods. I wonder if there will be problems... You got guts to try something new - I'll try it. I probably won't like it :P, but I will still try it.
  9. No ice stuff for maestro please. Dreadnought knockdown looks badass though. Sorc nuke looks crap IMO.
  10. Epic is Epic. Don't know what to say really, you mostly thought of everything. I guess I can only hope it will LOOK great. Maybe I am biased - no old mobs please :P But good job.
  11. maby no maby enuf rand0m 20 serber everdy day or maby kod urslef?
  12. Is he still using his own source? A lot of small things felt weird.
  13. Estimations are good. SWS should hit around the same as a tank. No penalty for them on bows. BDs should do around 70% of a tanks dmg per dual sword swing(~420-500/crit). But considering there is low crit rate on dual swords itd be probably bad. Maybe they could use attack speed. Dwarf could do as much dmg as tanks with skills, non crit, that would be really good. 600 fatal strikes can be really strong with final secret/physical pose/crit(2.2k). So high level dwarves would be strong. And can't evade stuns + armor crush -30% pdef - really dwarves don't need new skills. Only maybe run speed. Debuffs were weird on Gallo. OL debuffs landed a lot. WCs mana burn could have better success rate. 22/sec isnt the same as loosing 1.4k from EE/SE in one hit. inspectors should be better - on gallo, their debuffs were useless in PVP, everyone died so fast and no debuffs ever worked. They only work on normal hits. They should be able to deal some damage, slightly less than tanks is fine (better attack speed and crit rate) P.S. if daggers deal only 3.6k dmg from on crits on robes - mages would be imba. 900 per nuke - vortex buster ~1.6k non crit, ignoring random damage/enlightenment. Buff or no buffs, at the end we are taking mdef only from prophecies. Prophecy, around 700 dmg from normal mages? And if mages get prophecy, back to 800-900 => bad. Unless nukes fail a lot. 500 dmg from SPS and 700 from SPH is fine. Prophecy on both parties and mages do 400~600 dmg per sec.
  14. Dwarf skill crits hurt, as if they need new skills >.> You added warriors will to 76 on old server - make it trigger more often and dwarves will be ok.
  15. Not to be a suck up or anything, but you are not the only one to feel that way. I'm sure the people that left this game for good thought this way as well, though. Maybe this game really is too old. I wouldn't know since it is literally the game I played the most through out the last 4 years. Hard to know if it's old or not...
  16. You srs? Any preview? Physics engine server side? Wouldn't that be a lot of complicated geometric and physics calculations? Not trying to sound smart, but what you say sounds to good to be true. +1 on OP. Private servers need to become largely unique now. Less quantity, more quality.
  17. PvP server means a server where people do not run around whole map thinking "man wer da pvp" Farm is not PvP. Item gain could be more definite, but not direct - Start dynasty. Mobs drop random dynasty MW/vesper/vesper MW/vorpal/elegia at a relatively high rate. Mobs are easy to kill, but spawn is limited. Places with higher spawn would attract PvP because more mobs = more drop = faster gear. Random armor parts = more trade/sell/buy/more enchant = more fails/scroll economy. Mobs hit hard buy die fast (17k-25k HP at ~2k pdef/mdef. => around 10 hits for most DDs). As far as AI goes - not needed beyond default L2j. Just need good custom mob skills. Make them strong but slow - players can see what is happening = can react, use skills, potions, run, etc. This makes PvE intense and less monotonous. No instant 5k+ dmg though. Skills need to be anti zerg/anti buff stacked = short duration reflect 100% reflect, AOE stuns/para in small range. IMO, above applied to any chronicle, any rate above 50x. Persistent competition because gear is random, PvE combat is fast paced but can't simply overwhelm mobs. But without a person who even knows basics of changing server files - no point in opening new server. Look at how many there are now where admins choose chronicle, change rates: done.
  18. Just go for DM and normal hits with checkmate in and out. Don't try to shining edge - waste of time and MP even if it hits hard it can miss a lot. If you want to cast skills and fighting a melee class, use blink. If mages kite - turn around and blink then rush into mage. You can cover over 1000 range that way. Use soul of pain frequently, especially when the enemy is casting powerful skills. If it's high-five don't forget to use Furious soul. Its like free 25% crit dmg. SD is self explanatory
  19. Big online doesn't mean good devs. Big online means devs that will work for money. Big money. Big money comes from god knows where. Big online comes from name, popularity, advertisement and mutual interest. If several big parties agree on playing on a single server, more will flow in naturally. Deving has nothing to do with it. Development - Determination of the best techniques for applying a new device or process to production of goods or services. On all the servers you mention, there is no direct sign of deving. Fixing/adjusting =! deving. It is just fixing and adjusting. Nekys is a good dev. There are lots of good devs that make servers which are unique, put features that no one else can do. Deving is creatively applying imagination to practical things. Current L2 playerbase is just the softcore leftovers of what was once a large community of proud internet warriors. But their pride was justified. Now you just have whining kids that don't like the color of the cereal and cry they don't get pancakes for breakfast. they will never be satisfied because they actually do not want to be. They just need to flame and burn the people that work hard.
  20. GoD Any if you don't have problems with protocols/packets/etc; simply for new locs, animations, UI. Doesn't have to involve awakening. Fun Farm. Doesn't have to be easy to farm items, but mobs should be easy to kill alone. And they should hit back hard.
  21. You might wanna go to l2.ru or lineage2.com. Other than that - -beep- off, clueless twat. The point in 85 is to bring every starting person to endgame, cos levels matter this -beep-ing much in this game. Since forever. Gear is also not compulsory. Difference between the "top" gear and freely available is negligible. For those who want to fight for something - there is that. Those that want to PvP don't have to farm. All you do is bash - nothing to back up what you say. You are like a little kid who complains that his toy car is color green and not blue. There is no reason to play private servers if you want the TRUE L2 EXPERIENCE. WHICH DIED 8 UPDATES AGO. BYE.
  22. Parties are limited to 7 people now. You don't need more than 1 enchanter and 1 healer. You don't need to bot and you don't need to have SWS or BD in grp despite the buffs stacking. Cos +2 mages > SWS+BD in GoD, any day, any time.
  23. The new skills replace a majority of old skills. A LARGE majority. Unless you choose to not awaken, there is no reason to bot. Almost all buffs get overbuffed by new enchanter buffs. Except SS/DDs.
  24. Either no dyes or +dex or con. +wit for sure. If you went pride +patk and run a good grp where you don't die very often - just go +5 str -whatever stat you want. 41 -> 47 STR is like 25% more patk. And imagine you get wards+augments+talismans. At 49 str you have 33% more patk than originally, pride ~+20 another 20% patk, random 35% rapier damage +lots of crits. But if you cannot afford such a build either con or dex.
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