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Everything posted by TehJustNoName
GL with it mate.I know he's honest when saying no corruption.You did something for the community and i hope many will appreciate it :)
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- x123
- no bullshit
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So far yes it is beta.You can download the latest updater and check it out.
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- x123
- no bullshit
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Augmentation rates are different here from the ones on their forum.So which one is true?Or did they change it and made it lower just to get more money? Also classes and skills based on l2off balance?Dude there's no l2j out there that has come even close to l2off and that's a fact. The algorithms are different and the moment you changed 1 thing you screwed everything else.So no l2off balance at all.It's l2j and it will remain l2j. Oh i can't even join cause i get appcrash error while on other servers i don't. Not gonna bother anyway since i'm reading forums and not even the correct features are implemented. I mean come on dude you're expecting 1k+ people and you don't even have some respect to actually check if every feature works like you say it does? Again bullshit from another guy that wants to make cash.And corruption for me means giving clans money to join.What about solo players?Clans can assist each other because they're many but solo players get nothing which makes it more difficult for them so it's something like "You solo?gtfo". Gonna fail soon.Hope i'm wrong.Many clans will quit because they get owned, you'll be left with money from donations and shut it down.
I now know why you guys say you're hated.It's because people tell the truth that's why.I know that myself because i asked an old player of a server i used to play 6-7 years ago.On the 2nd day i asked him how did he farm so fast all those things and he said he didn't farm.Did he donate?Nope.Guess what his clan was, 21stcentury or w/e the correct name is.You lied about the online thing and also what a guy before me said about the bug that Frank denied it's existence but you said you fixed it.So you're the ones full of bullshit not the guys that talk based on what they see on that server. And based on another post when i was talking about how l2off works and your reply, i realised you don't even know what class balance actually means so that's why you fucked up the classes on the server.You wrote that you tested all the classes but yet the daggers damage is not based on p.atk like you said it should work on deathwhisper and you say it's randomized?So you wanna say it does affect but for like 20 dmg?How does that help?Because you said i can't tell if it affects or not the damage.Then how do i know what ur saying is not bullshit like everything until now?You tested all the classes yet you're still working on them.What kind of test did you do anyway? It's not a post of hate it's just my opinion.
- 397 replies
- l2deathwhisper
- lineage 2 pvp
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A post on forums about a bug was deleted.And an important bug that affects dagger classes wasn't fixed yet even if it was reported during beta.They do not even watch the reports section.They keep fixing shit that should be working when server went live. I smell another failure unfortunately.
- 397 replies
- l2deathwhisper
- lineage 2 pvp
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Like i said you're no different from the rest of them and you agreed with me.Well what about the petitions telling you that c.speed on some mage classes is too low?And you want to tell me that people made a petition to tell you that classes are balanced?Come on let's be serious, I don't see why anyone would do that unless he wants to be in good terms with you or probably ask later for items.My opinion doesn't matter actually and nobody's opinion should matter but if you lied about this then why wouldn't you lie about everything else that has to do with this server.That's the real question.
- 397 replies
- l2deathwhisper
- lineage 2 pvp
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Well we caught you faking players who knows what other things you fake.Like the corruption people were talking about.Correct me if i'm wrong but and you just compared urself to other admins which means you're a shitty administrator.Your words not mine.Want a word about the opening?Took me like 30 mins to leave the leveling area.How's that?Is running fine without any fake amounts?I MEAN YOU POSTED A PHOTO PROVING THAT IS FAKE!!!No bugs?I see mobs that are dead being alive and can't target them.That's a bug.P.atk doesn't affect the blows on dagger classes which was reported during beta and it's not fixed.I got plenty but i'll be wasting my time reporting.Calling someone pathetic because he caught you faking players on your own server is retarded to be honest.I thought you were more mature than that. Btw that's the conversation between the 2 gms?I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF! Not gonna last longer than 2 weeks max. That's what i think so good luck keeping it alive more than that.But kids will help.
- 397 replies
- l2deathwhisper
- lineage 2 pvp
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Hack Ezfrags Cs:go Multihack V8.12 [Public] - Rage/legit
TehJustNoName replied to +cs.tribal's topic in CS Bugs, Tricks & Hacks
I mean seriously why would anyone use hacks?Except the fact that he sucks at cs.Ruins the fun of the game.Plus you will get banned from the overwatch system. -
Did you even read what i wrote above?It's not self-explanatory when dealing with idiots who spent their time playing only l2j high rate java servers.Have you ever played something except high rate servers?Because you'd know what balance means and why it can't be achieved on l2j.Calculations and algorithms are completely different.So yes you can't achieve the balance l2off has.If it could it would have been done by now.How many years is l2j around?Many years and still there's no balance and the problem is admins keep "fixing" classes but they actually ruin them.So no balance can't be achieved on l2j.Are all skills working l2off like?To be honest i don't think so.Never seen any l2j that has all skills working l2off like.Never played dota but i was talking about the classes of l2 and you compared a whole game.Are all classes on dota equal? Also i have no intention of attacking the server with what i say.It's just my experience playing this game for a long time even if i don't play that much now.
- 397 replies
- l2deathwhisper
- lineage 2 pvp
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You were talking about proofs so i just used your words against you.It doesn't matter what you do need to prove something but according to you until proven it's just bullshit.So same goes for the "balance" i used as an example. To be honest i don't think you're corrupted but don't ever talk about balance when using l2j.No matter what you do balance won't be achieved.Balance also is not something specific especially with so many kiddos playing nowdays.For some balance would mean Necro should own while for others SPS should own when actually it should be that fighter classes are above the mages classes (not all classes but most).There are many things that ruin balance so i won't go through each one cause you're smart enough to realize that but when kids join and start moaning because they get owned by a dagger or archer and you nerf them well that's the biggest mistake l2j owners do and i hope you won't. Also i never said a solo player should farm easier than a clan, that would be retarded.Of course clans can get geared up faster but what i said is that those clans are 95% kids and they won't let you farm because they're just kids.What i don't get is how can the gap between clans and solo players be avoided with the armor upgrade?Won't clans be able to farm faster than solo players?I don't get it actually. I want to check beta if it's possible and if i have enough free time for it.
- 397 replies
- l2deathwhisper
- lineage 2 pvp
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Okay so you're asking for people to prove you were corrupted but you don't have proofs for the "balance" in this server.You say you reworked the classes/skills so it means guys on acis are doing a terrible job with that but yet you still got their pack.You just say the server it's balanced but hey i see that on every single server out there. So... any proofs the classes are balanced?Of course not because it's l2j after all.L2j will never ever be the same as l2off no matter what.So there goes balance. About corruption i don't know if it's true or not but it's their word against yours.And after all it's your server and you do w/e you want with it. The only reason i will probably give it a shot it's because you guys seem mature enough to handle a server and not let it die after you get the money from donations. What keeps me thinking tho is that the server is made so clans get geared up fast and solo players(me) get pked by those clans while trying to farm.Reason i don't join clans it's because nobody knows how to handle and lead a clan.That's why solo players get pked by clans full of kids unfortunately. The first step is to attract players but the last step and the hardest one is to think of ways to keep them there.Good luck with that and in general with the server. I would like to join beta if it's possible and if i have enough free time to do it.
- 397 replies
- l2deathwhisper
- lineage 2 pvp
- (and 5 more)
Looks like someone needs money and uses an old l2 server name to get players.Well i myself realized you're not the real admin and i agree with Blackhive, serious admins will never act like you do.Also the things you say to try and get out of this mess you got into, is really pathetic :) Some of us realized ur just a liar and nothing more, the rest you're going to be disappointed :) GL with it anyway.But i hope not even 1 person donates.Because you don't deserve to get money for something that's not yours.
Bitdefender blocked this page This page is blocked by Bitdefender Antimalware filter. That's your site unfortunately :)
Actually i'm 23 but it seems that my brain is ages away from yours since that's the way you talk to players when they ask or suggest something.Also what does pvp have to do with pve?
Unfortunately you're wrong :) He's a 22 year old idiot who needs money that's all.Maybe his English is better than the rest of the l2 admins around but he'll never listen to the community. Proof of answer on a simple question "Why didn't he fill the whole area with mobs, he filled just 2-3 rooms" That's his answer :
Discussion Just Wondering...
TehJustNoName replied to TehJustNoName's topic in General Discussion [English]
The problem is when someone says balanced classes you think differently.When i say it i mean that every class needs to have a chance against the other class.Like i said before mages were made for pve and fighters for pvp so when you get owned by a fighter it's something common.That's what it should depend on.Player skill.There is a bit of luck added on classes but the skill and brain of the one playing the class that's what should actually count.Also when i say balance i compare it to official files.If they work like they do on official then it's balanced.What ruins this is l2j where skills don't work properly and 34235453 buff slots.Mana pots?Remove them and see how easily bishops go down.And lots of other stuff that affect the gameplay in general.And the most important the one who owns the server.Without a brain there's nothing you can do to avoid shit like that. So definition of balance for me is when skills work properly as they are supposed to work.Not that "every class can beat every class" and depends on the player.A bishop will never win a pvp against a mage or a fighter.It's just a support char not a damage dealer.But eventually he'll run out of MP and die, now watch a bishop on high rate server where he'll never die if just 2-3 people are hitting him. -
Discussion Just Wondering...
TehJustNoName replied to TehJustNoName's topic in General Discussion [English]
Trully balanced is classes that work the way they were supposed to work.Ofc it's going to be unbalanced for most of the people out there because most of the people out there never played a decent server.The ones who truly enjoy l2 are on low rate servers where things work as they are supposed to work. But after the decent pack comment i also said i didn't have enough free time to work on it.Saw that?An l2j pack nowdays needs a lot of work no matter how you look at it.I was just looking for people's opinion.And no wonder why i didn't get more replies on this topic.There are just a few people here who actually know what balance means.Who play l2j servers and say why the hell there's nobody out there to actually work on what's important and not on custom and shitty systems.By adding custom stuff it can't be called l2 anymore.If you play l2off and no matter how many servers with the same rates if the admin didn't mess with the skills buff/debuff slots and other shit the balance should be there.But if you play 2 identical l2j servers on one you might play as a fighter to own and on the other you might play as a mage to own.And not to mention olympiad where everything goes to hell there. Pretty much l2j fucked up l2 for good.Do you think mages were created by NCSoft to own pve and pvp at the same time?I don't think so. -
Good luck with it if it's yours :) From your opinion on my topic i know you'll handle this correctly.Decent administrator.
Discussion Just Wondering...
TehJustNoName replied to TehJustNoName's topic in General Discussion [English]
Yeah i agree with both of you.I'm like that.I miss the old times.We were younger with more free time and no other shit on our mind.And indeed if i open a server i'm gonna focus on gameplay not on visual/custom stuff.Truly balanced gameplay with as less bugs as possible.And also about donations i don't really care much, stuff that won't affect the ones that don't donate would be okay.I always wanted to open my own server but i never did because there was no decent pack around and i didn't have enough free time to work on it.Because it takes time to test every single skill and other important stuff on a pack that affect the gameplay.If i go live with a server i want it to be as close to perfection as possible not like the ones around where admins don't give a crap about the community. Too bad l2 got a bad reputation because of those l2j servers opened by randoms. -
So i came back to l2 after a long time and i tried a few servers L2damage/l2extreme which has the same admin, l2aaron and i wonder how do these servers get so many people when things don't work properly there.Unbalanced classes.Staff that doesn't care.I would have joined an l2off mid but i don't have enough free time to do that. First of all i'm not a kiddo who's looking to open a server and make money so read further when you understand that... About almost a year ago i was working on a pack, testing mostly skills if they work properly or not but i quit after a while because of work/no free time. So i wonder how many of you people would join on a server with not so easy farming, tested skills and classes and when i say tested i mean 1vs1 tests and skills chances/dmg because that's what all the servers nowdays don't have.I spent most of my time on an mid server so i basically know how most skills work. No 2345345345 buffs cause that's what ruins balance too. Events performed by me and not the automated ones.(Could include automated events too i guess) Serious support system because it does matter after all. Open to suggestions.But it doesn't mean i'm gonna listen to every kiddo that cries because the class he's playing is not overpowered like on other unbalanced servers and i honestly don't care if the community is low at least i know that the ones playing there are not kids who kill you and go ax0axa0xax0ax0ax0a0x jajajajajjajaja and things like that.Serious players who want to have fun and miss a decent l2 server. Anyone who misses the old l2 as much as i do?
Discussion Boring Interlude Pvp Servers?
TehJustNoName replied to Lioy's topic in General Discussion [English]
Okay the first thing that kills high rate servers are the kiddos playing them.I played for like 4-5 years a c4 server x45 which was difficult and with lots of donators.Actually the only way to be someone was to donate.Well i never donated but i met people and that's what kept me there.Got myself 3 heroes and quit because everyone i played with quit.Nowdays only low rate servers survive (kinda) a long time because people who play there are not retarded.High rate servers attract kids that only want to get items quick and pvp and that's all.They don't know what organization for a boss or pvp is.They just teleport, Kill or be killed and do it again and that's what makes it boring.Not to mention the unbalance on l2j servers out there.Many skills don't work properly and having 23543566546 buffs kills the balance even more. I always wanted to open a server but never did because i didn't have any java experience and i never wanted to offer a server that's full of bugs and unbalanced.I guess i could get a decent pack but there are none out there except the ones Russians are working on(l2j packs).I will eventually open a server but it's going to be balanced that's what i aim for.I don't care if players(kiddos) who join it cry about a skill that doesn't work the way it worked on other l2j crappy servers.I'm also open to suggestions but the ones that mean something not things like "nerf the fighters they deal too much damage on mages".That's what fighters are for dammit.They were created for pvp.Mages for pve and to assist on pvps. Anyway to sum it up the l2 community is pretty much dead so attracting players on a decent server will be a pain in the ass but i'm gonna give it a shot soon and even if i fail i'll be able to say i had a decent server up but players didn't show up :) -
What does "i guess" mean?Are you not part of the staff?Also what about when i got dc'ed during beta?After 2-3 minutes on every login.
Now i can't even login.I get dc'ed on the server selection screen.Nice job developers.You definitely know how to handle such a small amount of players.How about when it goes live?This will fail and it's too bad cause i was kinda excited.Wanted to play a c4 server a long time now.
It's still in beta. I get dc'ed every 2 minutes.Any idea why's that happening?Won't be able to play if i keep getting dc'ed like that.And don't start with the check your connection and shit cause my connection is stable so something is wrong with your server.
Help Bluff Problem
TehJustNoName replied to TehJustNoName's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]