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Everything posted by Tryskell

  1. Ahah, ty for your comment :). I'm happy when people talked about timeline ^^. Rev 70 corrects some minor things (correction of 30 warnings, like cleaning variables, and such). It adds back the .jar deleted on rev 69 too :<
  2. When you did your tests there were 3 ppls online, then 2 in second test. Spoiler of this awesome logic : Why I can say that ? Basically, for each online player, it sends an announce. You know the next... ------- You didn't say you had error - well I didn't check well the image - but what I said was true :P. You have to make the player/clan variable "fly" from one method to another. public void midVictory(String clanName) { if (getIsInProgress()) // Siege still in progress { // Announce Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(clanName+" has taken "+getCastle().getName()+" Castle."); if (getCastle().getOwnerId() > 0) _siegeGuardManager.removeMercs(); // Remove all merc entry from db // If defender doesn't exist (Pc vs Npc) and only 1 attacker And considering the use of this method (only 2) : getSiege().midVictory(clan.getName()); Dunno if it's the best solution, but it's the easiest for sure, considering what you want to do.
  3. Rev 69, ty Intrepid for the clean spring and DarthVader for 2 XMLS skills :).
  4. Only you, helped of Intrepid for the precious data could save (rape) us from innocence.
  5. Hey FB, I finally managed to understand your massive critical errors on teleport ^^. It wasn't teleports, nor core related :). But I couldn't figure it without a client error. Come back fast with your new computer :P.
  6. So you know the answer :P. AbstractNpcInfo > NpcInfo, all other is fine. In your diff patch, it misses the principal information in NpcInfo. Anyway on IL your patch can't work like that.
  7. I voted for Frozen, because I can't vote for myself and the 2 others projects are dead (no update since 2 months). And it's "aCis", not "L2JaCis" :).
  8. I think I prefer to stay in darkness concerning the "how" of the idea to make a PornoGenerator command. But that won't surprise me if you're the angular stone of this masterpiece, uhahaha. Pervert hungarians for sure :).
  9. First you can use this code, it's just cleaner. Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(player.getClan().getName()+" has taken "+getCastle().getName()+" Castle."); Second, your code can work only if the castle was to another clan. It can't work if the castle was to NPCs. if (getCastle().getOwnerId() > 0) means "if the castle got an owner". You surely made your test on a siege where NPCs were defenders. Your code work, but only on sieges where there is a clan owner, or if someone retake the castle during the siege period (and if only the clan was stored, i'm not even sure it works like that). if (getIsInProgress()) // Siege still in progress { // Announce Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(player.getClan().getName()+" has taken "+getCastle().getName()+" Castle."); if (getCastle().getOwnerId() > 0) _siegeGuardManager.removeMercs(); // Remove all merc entry from db // If defender doesn't exist (Pc vs Npc) and only 1 attacker
  10. On IL, the packet is named NpcInfo, and even if there is the right slots (4 missings infos), I don't think you can activate it, as this packet update came from C2 (from what I rem of remarks). Still you can try. 1 - Create a clan with clan crest, note the clanID and crestID. 2 - Edit packet NpcInfo and put fixed infos where they supposed to be, writing in core directly the values. 3 - Then compile and test ingame if you focked it or no. I can't really say it won't work if no one tested it before :).
  11. Rofl code. Update code, there are not only 2 websites ! :) And do another one for hentai.
  12. Only 2 IL publics projects exist, mine (aCis) and L2JFrozen. L2JTeon/L2JBrasil seem to haven't updates anymore since around 2 months. You can too search on private side, but /care about their marketing. Just don't trust people selling a "all working" thing for 20€. It can only be a mess. If you begin on L2J, I invite you to launch a server which ask less corrections than IL chronicle. Well, a PvP server asks a lot less retail support/features :).
  13. It's a normal error, as skills aren't finished. You will have some "armorlistener skill missing" using a set, and depending of your race/class some "skills missing" at each character loading.
  14. Rev 67 soon finished. Retail doors messages to open/close it, some fixes, some refactors... The normal way :). Edit : http://trac.assembla.com/acis_project/changeset/67
  15. The first script should work. You surely forget to update the .jar. if (activeChar.isGM()) activeChar.sendMessage("Hallo GM!"); else activeChar.sendMessage("Hallo Spieler"); ---- Now if you want to add the name of the player, as it's currently static in your code: activeChar.sendMessage("Hello "+ activeChar.getName() + ", welcome in our server !"); ---- You can too add a static message value: String test = "This is a test." activeChar.sendMessage(test); which equals to : activeChar.sendMessage("This is a test."); Prefer to use second option for readability.
  16. When you got the role of the black raven saying only catastrophic things, I play the white dove's one and spread happiness, youth and erm... that's already good. :). The fact there is currently no live server is because I refactor skills. It's a long work, and no one will dare to make a live server without SAs / armor sets bonus. Even if it equals to c/p an XML and write "//reload skills". Still, we got now a test server thanks to BoDiE. Okay, I stop to offtopic now :). ---- As I can't vote for myself, cause it's stupid to promote itself, I suggest Frozen. After all, they got some parts of my work :P.
  17. Revision 66 is out. Added timed-based knownlist task, which basically correct Geodata commit (more infos on timeline). Plus a lot of misc updates (AIs, clean, checks). One step more to the live statut :). ---- We have now a test server, with fixed IP. It will be used both as a test and betatest server. When server will have often commited revisions, it can come I inject current beta in order to make big "not really tested" tests with you :). Here is the forum's topic talking about the test server Ty BoDiE to support the project, and to followers to be more and more numerous to follow my project and use my timeline :).
  18. Delete godamn line and condition :P. Must be something like if (activeChar.isFaction() == 1) { activeChar.teleportblabla.... activeChar.sendMessage("you have been proted back blabla"); } Delete whole code.
  19. Using Freya as nothing to be cynic with :). It's using a tool to repair another. I avoid useless stuff and refactor interesting points. A formula is a formula, you can model it in your hands :). Nothing is static, only your logic and imagination. Whatever can say Intrepid about L2J, they did a good job when I compare to IL stuff. I use code freely tested for about 4 years with fixes bring over months, and tested by dozens of ppls and servers. What to ask more. L2J team is currently dead, but many big refactors came from the "sun period" of L2J. I like or I dislike things, I never hate :). If you like Freya, nice for you. I won't try to bring the "good word" over you. ---- @Intrepid : I got first suspicions when my magical mirror answered me 'boten anna" when I asked her (this is a mirror girl) : "who is this hater of Intrepid spamming MxC evertime he see L2J or IL words ?". You're SPOTTED :). ---- To stay a little on topic, basically you have those choices for old chronicles : - refactoring old chronicle and update some parts using new chronicle; - refactoring from new chronicle and revert back things (packets opcodes and such); - refactoring your own way :D. But guess why no one did it... About original coding, it's far longer to create something from zero, both about debug purposes than developed idea itself. People speaking like "l2J sucks" but having no better idea to enhance incriminated systems just shout their mouth (indeed, it's violent as expression).
  20. It is, but code is ugly as hell. Lines 5441 to 5455 have to be in 5465 null check, it will avoid you problems later, even if it's not related to your current problem. The doDie shouldn't receive any reward, you should dispatch things on existing method. Code will be more readable.
  21. would you dare to copy bugging code ? Because I can't say you're really helpful.
  22. Pack, chronicle and such.... Ppl are boring.
  23. Check enterworld.java changes , faction engines got 90% time a method which make you port.
  24. You must declare _countDMkills, it must be (surely) a private or public int private int _countDMkills I deleted previous answer, it was stupid (my apologies). Remove all // on your second Quote.
  25. Well, as I'm "specialized" (note the "", that will avoid you think I consider myself a smartass) on IL chronicle, and aCis owner, what can I say... IL need big refactors, but I'm far to think it's a dead chronicle. Each chronicle have his lovers, and I guess they are more IL servers than Hellbound ones, or C3 ones. aCis use its own way to improve IL, and it is the big new on IL forks. The goal isn't to be the best, people surely can do better. But for sure it is made to give a model (only that, yeah I'm humble haha) for future servers / IL projects. aCis was made in order to stop the IL projects spread-maniacs. Too many projects for so low results. I come perhaps too far, still, I guess it can give good ideas to people. ----- About being pro L2J/L2JFree, it's pointless to speak about, it's like choosing between God/Allah. Intrepid is L2JFree inquisitor, pointless to speak to him about L2J, for him it's "bad", that's all. Speak about "interlude" and "l2j" in same topic, you will find a negative comment about him. He surely programmed a bot with those 2 keywords, and as answers : "stupids" and "noobs" :). ----- About IL private forks, the fact it's private is a trap itself... What can assure you it's "100 % Interlude skills", which is barely impossible to do (and I begin to know about it after near 2 months on it) ? If it reachs 95%, you can be happy. Once more, never believe marketing nor people's talk. You have to test first. I could give you names about people which shouldn't sell packs, but do :P. And they're plenty. ----- Archid, as many others projects, didn't take the problem on the good point : goal is to refactor IL, not correct self-customs. More customs you add, more maintenance you have to make on them, and less time you got to refactor original stuff. This is the problem of Frozen, where their timeline is "mostly" (read all words before you begin to send pro-frozen lover kamikaze action, I said "mostly") customs correction. Just my PoV :), and yes, it concerns only IL. Oh, and I'm a 24y old french boy (yeah the flag near my name is the good one) for people using "his/her" talking of me :)
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