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Everything posted by Belzebul

  1. wth are u talking about the client since there will be only dwarf race? :D
  2. you gave me an idea, thank you. I will make a rule about this guy, so it wont be any kind of abuse.
  3. im not going to ignore him anymore :) as you can check the posts he breaks my balls for more than 1 week, enough.
  4. Seriously, why the hell is K4rMaArr0ws a staff member?
  5. Εγω καταλαβα οτι πολλα ατομα συνεχιζουνε να ανοιγουνε servers χωρις να εχουνε παιξει καν σωστο lineage.
  6. another -1. I have already warned you. P-P-L-I-Z READ SOME GUIDES!
  7. thanks to apithanos, now im having 1,7k adena so the award is now this.
  8. I need a hopzone banner for my premium membership. Please i want it to include moving texts :) Size:120x40 Text that Must Include: L2DwarfWars Unique pvp server Only Dwarf Race Auto-changing map Instant 80 Level Up to S Grade for Free Join us Thank you very much :)
  9. ok trade done. shit? me, a scammer? wth are u talking about. Also i wouldnt split my name for 10e.
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=153538.msg1121681#new
  11. gosh, still opening servers with 0 knowledge? aff, im leaving this topic right now.
  12. Με αυτα τα αλματα που εχουνε κανει οι θετικες επιστημες, μπορει να γινεται να τους προβλεψεις. Παντως αν ειναι να κρινουμε απο συμπτωσεις βατραχων ποτε θα ερθει ο σεισμος, μας εχει βαρεσειε ο ηλιος στο κεφαλι σταντε.
  13. i dont care about money, i mean i dont bother giving you and 20$. But with that way economy will be destroyed, lol. 5$ is the right price for something like this.
  14. Good morning retard! Did you ready any l2guides? Like HoW To aDd Mi pRotecTiOn IN sErver? Also from now on you will be getting -1 karma for each of your posts, enough with your spam.
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