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Everything posted by Belzebul

  1. donation list has been re-edited. Btw more featurez are coming. 13 days left.
  2. Belzebul


    thats stupid <.< l2strict.com Estimated Worth $941.7 USD
  3. It should be problem of keybord. Maybe he was eating some cookiez while he was typing.
  4. Well, its kinda nice and useful, thanks for sharing it.
  5. This signature isnt even allowed, rofl! Its size is freaking big.
  6. dont tell me that this girl is sofaki?
  7. As i said, thats not the final donation list, tomorrow im gonna edit the list.
  8. is that truth? Your server has over 200 players online? I cant believe it since you are some kind retard ;/ anyway, glory you should ask him first, reselling a pack is not that good.
  9. lame report, i cant see something wrong <.<
  10. [GR] 10 Ευρο? Η πιο χαμηλη τιμη ειναι 60-70 και αν, lol.
  11. Did i say everyone who see that there is an only dwarf server will say OMAGAD, LETS BURN IT THERE YEA!? Its just something different, whoever wants, plays. You can see it at the main page. Yes
  12. Im sorry for bumping the topic, but this work needs karma. +1.
  13. Believe me, i know many guys that they would. oki. Its gonna be a mess with sieges but we will try to enable them.
  14. Masturbate? At least its something unique.
  15. Its not going to be the final donations. Propably we are not gonna even have +20 to the list. Ofc a server needs money for better stability, features and advertisement.
  16. You will become a hero when you reach 2000 pvps. p.s: the amount of pvps isnt decided yet.
  17. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=68586
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