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Everything posted by Belzebul

  1. Hello shithead! Whats up? Posting again in my topic? K, np, nobody believes you so i dont really mind :X Please can you tell me the OMffGbUGs you found in my pack? Have a nice shitty day.
  2. hope that i will have some free time to give it a try. gl.
  3. did you ever thought why you and nosti (you made together l2reliable server so you are a team) are the only who complaining for the pack? :) please think about it. More than 15 people have bought the pack, why only you had problems?
  4. full of what <.< Just NoSti or how the shit caps lock are enabled or disabled didnt know a shit and opened a server with actually -0.1 knowledge. Dunno if you played @ l2strict but it was pretty bugless.
  5. Ναι, αλλα για κατι καινουργιο που κανει πρεπει να παρει αλλο 1 warn, ετσι μου φαινεται, δεν ειμαι 100% σιγουρος, αν ειναι κανε ενα topic στο report section
  6. Δινουμε warn πρωτα, μπορει να μην το πηρε χαμπαρι. fixed.
  7. pro, thank you. +1 from me (even it is some strings share, its very useful)
  8. you should download some gmshops with icons in order to make your own style.
  9. Send me your msn with a pm. We can talk there.
  10. [gr]μετα φτιαχτηκε ομως :P δεν ξερω αν εχει βγει κατι καινουργιο, αν εχει βγει θα λειτουργει στο pack αλλα οτιδηποτε παλιο οχι.
  11. Maybe yes, maybe no i cant know the future. that has been answered already
  12. As kiefer said, we need money in order to keep the server stable and attractive. Also, you have to know that my first server l2strict. com hadnt even donations. So, shut with "you make server to make money" cause you are absolutely wrong.
  13. GOD! Hero weapons are farmable, you dont have to wait to be a hero farming 2k pvps.
  14. Dude, please read the server features, you should really do it before posting random things. friendly.
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