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Everything posted by Belzebul

  1. Also thats why we are all waiting for archid's launch ;d
  2. Maybe, till the server opens there will be many changes @ the donation list. Btw, anything that there will be in donation list you can find/farm it in server.
  3. Well, all the staff is working for the server. Just, Matim is doing the hard part (dunno if its really hard for him :D), the auto teleport to other areas each 1 hour and some other things and im doing all the other (at the server's develop). But why giving credits on a private l2 server? As gfxers say, the outcome counts and not how it is made.
  4. Μα την παναγια, θα φας request για ban. Ειναι 9:22 το πρωι και ακουω μαλακιες απο ενα πιτσιρικα, ανωριμο που δεν ξερει τι του γινεται και ρωταει τους αλλους πιτσιρικαδες ανωριμους στο msn στο facebook και στις πλατειες του χωριου του τι να κανει. Σε παρακαλω, κατσε διαβασε κανα guide, μαθε περισσοτερα πραγματα, παιξε κανα l2 server, μπλεξε στα ναρκωτικα, δεν ξερω τι θα κανεις τελος παντων μην μου πριζεις τα αρχιδια.
  5. Well, the last days many guys are selling their packs, files etc. Yesterday i saw one topic (its junked now) making a topic a sharing the vote reward system of hopzone that costs 30-40e (if you are gonna buy it by a developer). That move should cost to the seller many euro. The conclusion: Staff should set a rule for that, something that is being sold it cant be shared. Thats my opinion, think about it. Piracy is a crime.
  6. eminence? Hope you are joking me, there isnt any connection with eminence's server lol. 15 days arent many, the most of are features needs a lot of work and rework so we are not going to open a server thats not ready.
  7. No, there will be only fighter classes skills. BTW, you should really join our forum to solve your questions/problems.
  8. Εισαι τερμα μαλακας αγορι μου, τερμα ομως. Φευγω απο το topic γιατι θα χρειαστουνε χριστοπαναγιες και θα πεσω στο επιπεδο της ανωριμοτητας σου.
  9. Νιωθεις? Αλλαξε τελειως η γνωμη μου για σενα, νομιζα οτι εισαι αρκετα ωριμος να ξεχασεις τις κοντρες/εχθρες σου με εναν ανθρωπο εστω και γιαυτη τη στιγμη που εφυγε απο τον κοσμο και δεν εχεις λογο πια να τσακωνεσε, ελεος λιγο ρε γαμω την παναγια μου, αληθινη ζωη ειναι οχι command στο l2. Συλλυπητήρια στην οικογενεια αν και δεν τον ηξερα σχεδον καθολου.
  10. Ρε μας δουλευετε? Αυτα τα topics πρεπει να τρωνε junk,.
  11. Αν ηθελες να μαζεψεις adena μπορουσες να το ζητησεις. Πως σε λενε και εχεις γιορτη...?
  12. Εμενα πριν 1 μηνα πεθαναι δηστυχως. Εχω πολλες photo αλλα κανονικες, λυκοσκυλο ητανε.
  13. Hello, my best friend needs a signature, no matters the size or the them. Text: Cyborg. p.s: if you can, an avatar too.
  14. heh, we want it 100% ready first with the most possible features.
  15. 1stly they have changed their features, as i see you didnt visit even their website, rolf. Secondly, even they had a dwarf server, there are no similarities with OUR features.
  16. its very nice, just this guy seems a bit gay.
  17. there isnt, maybe in the past.
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