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Everything posted by Belzebul

  1. am i scammer..? seriously, if you was front of me i would give you a punch.
  2. Δεν συμφωνω καθολου. Ειδικα στα "μετα interlude" clients ο warlord ειναι αρκετα χρησιμος με τις ομαδικες επιθεσεις που εχει και τις μακρινες, βοηθαει πολυ και στα mass pvps. Στο farm σε low rates αν δεν εχει support, οντως δεν αξιζει μια.
  3. yes but still, it was missing, and you should find it -.- Also ghosts dont exist, why you are faking trying for hours to find them in one picture?
  4. oh whatever, i will give you the 3rd clue. maxtor is getting money for this part.
  5. second clue: its not something with the text. if you dont find it in 1-2 hours i will post the answer and you will shit rozdexs.
  6. no, its something really difficult. a clue: its not a detail (e.g a letter missing or something else)
  7. Matim is not going to make anything else for the server except the script i paid him for. No, there not going to be weapons like this. About the skills, dwarfwars is going to use these old skills, im not going to make any big chances to the skills since they were balanced like the way they made. Dwarfwars is not going to be different coz of the skills but of the features.
  8. LA Lakers won yesterday and we are going for the 7th final!
  9. dude, just stop it, you wont find any buyers (at least from here). there are x10000 times better packs shared. If you want to earn some money just try to sell your custom items (royal demons, hero weapons etc.)
  10. Yes, this topic has been created a bit late, but something tells me that we are gonna have and a 7th final, so there is enough time to chat. Some Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48tiZQ2vYoo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHo1NFAEQu4 Some Pictures: Click Meh So, what do you think? who will win in this 6th final? Will kobe's shots win the good teamwork of celtics or the opposite will happen? P.S: You can see the finals here www.woop.gr P.S2: Go Phoenix, Go Nash.
  11. rofl at the second one
  12. 1) As you can faking see, i accepted his firsts comments (2-4 posts), then its began to being lame. 2) Stop messaging? Can you pleaseeeee take a look @ the first pages? I didnt even reply to him and his bad comments. 3) Im not going to flame back to a retard. Also if i call someone retard, he really is, either he is my customer or not, he is still a retard, i cant do something for it. (!! Im not calling quicksilver a retard since i dont even know him, he is just a ball breaker and not mature enough). All know that im not a person that gets angry with everything, when i get angry it means im correct (at least for myself) 1) Gratz, but you have 0 knowledge about development, im sry i cant do anything. 2) Gratz about that too, as you can see in your first bad posts i didnt even reply but you started being lame and in everypage there was a post "DONT FUCKING BUY THIS PACK, NOOB PACK OMG ROFLMAO MY KITTY GOT KILLED". 3) You should watch my warnings.
  13. god guys, i didnt dekarma him for no reason. He is telling lies and shits about my pack, as you can see im not punishing someone who makes a bad comment (since its his opinion) but someone who continues telling lies even i warned him. I may lose many customers by this guy,
  14. its not an abuse, i set my own rules in my own topic.
  15. As i know, you have played @ the old dwarf, just think this it with gracia skills...
  16. yeah, but what i meant was that you dont have to care about the new graphics, zones, weapons, armors etc. in a server like this.
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