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Everything posted by Belzebul

  1. its going to be up in some minutes, for some hours, just to see if there is any last bug to fix :)
  2. [GR] Αχ ρε πουστρακο, ετσι μην τα γραφεις ολα, ξαναζητα τωρα help βλαμμενε. p.s: Sorry για τις βρισιες.
  3. <.< cmn, they need professionals, not some dudes that have read guides for photoshop
  4. i didnt have problems with l2strict. anyway, after this, im going to change the company from the next month.
  5. well, the thing isnt to open the server tomorrow but today. With those emails i have sent to the company, they must believe im a spam bot, lol.
  6. many features have been changed. Example: buff time is 1.30hs. :( btw 71 online @ forum
  7. yeah, it is :) the only thing left is dedi machine, we are waiting for it.
  8. what instance must be the npc? (e.g l2npc,l2merchant etc.)
  9. sry παρα πολυ για το off topic, αλλα εχω κλασει στο γελιο και δεν αντεχω αλλο. L2frits? και γιατι δεν το εκανες l2prits?
  10. so, no. im not going to pay 90euro for that thing.
  11. lol Intrepid anyway. Intrepid, you have probably not read our features. This server is a new style of multiskills, there will be only one race (Dwarf, which is the coolest from all other races) with fighter skills from humans, elfs, delfs, orcs. Dont try to find a reason for everything, if you cant understand it, simply leave the topic.
  12. Yes lol, its like setting spongebob at a war zone :D but text is really a masterpiece.
  13. Do we live in the same world? ???
  14. Hello, im having a problem. S grade weapons cant be equipped (all other grades can). Im getting a sysmessage: You are not allowed to do that and no errors @ gs console Any solution?
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