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Everything posted by Belzebul

  1. δεν λειτουργει, οταν πας να κανεις ανταλλαγη σου βγαζει οτι εχει "τσακωθει" το site με την paypal. Επισης εχουνε βγαλει και ενα site paypalsuxs, ή κατι τετοιο.
  2. the grand opening has been changed to 23/6. already 107 registered members @ forum!
  3. δεν λειτουργει αυτο το site.
  4. where the hell you see a useless reply! GOD! its an answer to his question, cant you see?
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=154452.0#quickreply at least give him -1 karma, he always flame me w/o any reason.
  6. Chile - Switzerland Who wants to bet? 1karma that Switzerland will win.
  7. hb, anyway, you are a bit retard. 1st) 2nd) asking for karma/adena? lmao.
  8. well, sorry for these cruel words im gonna say. But how many faking days are u trying to make something this tool named photoshop? I guess you have no talent at all, try to do something else. p.s: always friendly p.s2: hope to see you one day making masterpieces, but dunno..
  9. it would be a big success if you do multilanguage for interlude too (like g.epilogue), i would pay for a thing like that.
  10. better request for free than scam people and take it for free.
  11. Ναι, γιατι αυτα που postαρετε ειναι......
  12. Please give credits. The style is made by sTNL.
  13. μαλακια παιχνιδι γιατι δεν βγαινουνε απο ολες τις συλλαβες λεξεις
  14. Βασικα αν γινει παλι [GR]Official Spam topic κτλπ. Θα το καταλαβουνε πολυ οι ανιωθοι
  15. hahahahahahahah Κρονος Αγ.Δημητριου ftw.
  16. i support phoenix, but i think lakers gonna get it. Cetics doesnt has someone to defense kobe.
  17. Εκανα και topic αλλα δεν εχει ουτε reply ακομα-.- θα τον δεις?
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