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Everything posted by chito

  1. this trick increases of reuse frenzy / zealot or any other skill that u use when hp is < 30% ? or it decreases reuse time for all other skills?
  2. this will be interlude server?
  3. i think exp is even 2 times more than gold member i'm playing now without gold member and i think it gives x4 exp and x2 if gold
  4. tested, works perfectly exp too works. i guess that's where from kazakh players have 60+ lvl accaunts:))
  5. eto nazivaetsia DUPE veshei, eto BUG kotorii rabotaet na JAVA serverax ( pochti ne na odnom s online 300+ ne rabotaet) tebe nado postov pobolshe i potom smojesh uvidet' eti BUGi
  6. inc or dismay i think dismay is best:) p.s. what about l2.ru that's OFFICIAL server, not private server, Ncsoft and russian company made that together for russian gamers, free to play but with lots of in game selling items
  7. try Caesar 4 very good strategy game!!!
  8. The.Invention.of.Lying. i just watched it, very very nice film... truth of our life))
  9. but every1 begins from home made servers. so it's norm man)) just get more experience from it
  10. i just liesten to MTV )) or some electronic music
  11. TX is very easy but spoiler most income
  12. currently 0 but have played even on 3 servers same time))) but that's not interesting
  13. you don't die arcane will switch off...... p.s. useless share)) this is not a trick or exploit....
  14. lineage now doesnot really differ from C4 too much)) if u were GM in C4 C5 u will without problem play in GC or espacially INTerlude (most private servs are interlude nowdays)
  15. mmmmm and can u find 1 player who after reading this becomes PRO?)))) the only way to become pro is playing 24 / 7 and also watch demoes of champs
  16. hmm scrolls like this are really nice, i thought only way to give clan points was when admin gives on himself it scrolls are really nice, never seen on any server
  17. more info would be great... not every1 understand what it is so easy
  18. can u tell servers where it's that easy to get akamanah and zariche???
  19. same here man)) i ended l2 1-2 months ago cause got bored of changing so many servers... last was l2dismay... i played cabal too year ago but it's boring game too... i played it on off serv now i play pokerstars.net))
  20. AOE damage - warlock and best DPS rogues and mages
  21. i'm watching this video 5th time already)))) this is spartaaaa:))) imba)
  22. can u share any good server with this function? where u can stack for example only 3-6 subs not all classes witho online 200+
  23. second video is nice)) it's not hack it's skin that's legal
  24. it's just luck man))) i do like that on my own))) but that's not exploit...
  25. and how u see it if u dont have 2 karma? i can't
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