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Everything posted by Sindelia

  1. Hi @Raws, I am very happy to see that there's people that hold PlayINERA to such high esteem in terms of the quality we provide so much so as to suspect a project such as L2Etina to be our work. :) However, there are a number of major details that clearly differentiate ANY server from PlayINERA: - Even more complex UIs (both in terms of design and functionality) - No third-party antibot modules that are publicly available - Proper English (be it on the client, website, official posts etc.) - Promotional videos are voiced exclusively by me (with the exception of Bloodlust's animated promo) I could go on and on, but at the end of the day, those who know Ray and myself will know when we're involved in a project. Evidently, you don't seem to know us at all. In any case, best of luck, L2Etina! :)
  2. Try this one: https://mega.nz/file/6Y4RDIgC#2jHRT6r84Jyd3Y3LT8eOSi9QDqMbJ2e6wHKaId5c44I
  3. Greetings everyone! In light of the holiday season, we have prepared a slew of changes for you! This includes the update to Gracia Epilogue! Click on the icons below to learn more about all upcoming changes! More information regarding the server maintenance to apply these changes will follow soon!
  4. Thank you so much for your honest feedback, everyone! Rest assured that we are taking your constructive criticism into account and we'll do our best to improve even more! Here's a quick slideshow with a few screenshots from Vanilla: Join in on the fun! Website: http://vanilla.playinera.com Discord: https://bit.ly/30MRpHm @Celestine Please, move our topic to the live section. :)
  5. Indeed, our latest iteration of the Bloodlust project was not as successful as we would have liked it to be. Ray and I tried to salvage it as best as we could, but unfortunately that did not suffice. Vice has been the 'mastermind' behind the PlayINERA project ever since its inception and all decisions lied in his hands. However, he retired 3 months ago and has since passed PlayINERA onto Ray and myself. Technically, this is a different iteration of PlayINERA as it is now running under a different management. We hope that this time we'll be able to change the way you feel about PlayINERA. If not, we hope that you find a server that suits your fancy! :)
  6. -L2PV is an alternative method, however I'm not sure whether it'd work with pre-CT clients. Last resort would be using IDA to disassemble engine.dll and search for the command line arguments available. I could give that a shot for you if you provide me with the engine.dll file.
  7. Bloodlust x1000 is now LIVE! Enjoy! Join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/TnkeBkm Download our updater: http://bloodlust.playinera.com/connect/ @Celestine : please move this to the Live Servers section
  8. @Dev Indeed, we are using the Gracia Epilogue client. However, it has been manually downgraded to Gracia Final (i.e.: skill, NPC, map, item data etc.). The same applies to the server. Regarding balance, since everyone has a different opinion on what's balanced, we have created the Ability Tree which offers a selection of defensive bonuses. Players are free to choose the ones that think will help them defend themselves better. When it comes to our videos, we do not like to regurgitate existing ones. The promotional video featuring the Spectral Dancer preparing for an Olympiad match is exclusive to PlayINERA. We hired a team of animators to animate it for us. Here is a preview we were sent by the animation team while it was still a work in progress. I must say that it is very flattering that you consider our video to be of the same quality as those of NCSoft's. :) In any case, I hope you find the server you're looking for! Cheers!
  9. Prologue Greetings everyone! As you may all know, Bloodlust has had its fair share of issues related to its base setup. These issues resulted in a drop in population. Since launch, we have been closely monitoring everyone's feedback and we did implement a few changes. However, these do not suffice. We want to transform Bloodlust into what it was meant to be. A fun, PvP-packed server. What's Going to Happen? As there's going to be a lot of changes coming our way, the server will have to be temporarily brought down while we work on the upcoming changes. As such, the server will be brought down on Monday, July 6th 21:00 GMT +3 and will be re-launched Saturday, July 11th 18:00 GMT +3. Note that the server WILL NOT BE WIPED. What Kind of Changes are Coming? A few of the main changes that will take place are the following: - The Vitality system will be reinstated so that leveling will be less of a hassle - All Daily Rewards will be adjusted to be more rewarding, especially those for characters level 76 and above - The Item Upgrade system will be removed to make it easier to obtain gear - Newcomer Bonuses will be introduced. These will apply to all characters created from July 11th onwards. This means that both new & existing players will be able to benefit from these bonuses. The rest of the changes will be announced along with the Patch Notes. Epilogue We are doing this because we believe that you deserve better and we want to make up for our shortcomings. We appreciate everyone's support and the fact that a lot of you share our passion for this project. Stay tuned! RE-OPENING: Saturday, July 11th 18:00 GMT +3 Discord Link: https://discord.com/invite/TnkeBkm
  10. Thank you for your kind words, @JohnBoy13! :) Brooch Jewels are the same as the ones found on retail, however we have implemented only a few select ones for now. Brooches are essentially the same, albeit with different names and icons and cannot be augmented. A full list of the Brooch Jewels we have implemented can be found here. Hope this helps! :)
  11. This is both hilarious and flattering at the same time. Glad to see that people appreciate our original concepts so much so as to imitate them. :)
  12. Off-topic, but I am really flattered to see that people like my Ability Tree. :) Do note that it is 100% UI based and it would be literally impossible to pull off with HTML given its design. Anyhoo!
  13. Our customisations to the game are mostly comprised of additions, not replacements, all of which can be found here. With the exception of the monsters found in the Blood Royale event, we have not added any other custom monsters to the game. We haven't had any reports regarding specifically the monsters Seed of Destruction, however, we will check them just in case there are some monsters that aren't in line with retail data. As far as wiping goes, yes, 'Season 1' shut down last year due to lack of activity. Revamped (a.k.a Season 2) went live about four months ago and we have no plans of wiping/shutting it down any time soon. I don't see where you got the 'wipe/shutdown every year thing' from. :)
  14. Thank you for your encouraging words. :) The System Message Editor is a standalone client feature that does not interact with the sever. Players can define 'schemes' and customise the colours as well as the messages. The client generates an ini file which can then be shared with other players. The only limitation is that it is impossible to edit messages with more than two variables ($1, $c2) due to the fact that the programming language is quite limited. Hope this helps. :)
  15. Thank you for your kind words, sepultribe. :) We are using the Gracia Epilogue client. All UI & client modifications/additions were made by me from scratch. The Ability Window was one of the most complex additions and took a lot of brainstorming in order to make it look and function just like an 'ability tree' should function. :)
  16. I know, I just chose to trigger it using a packet since I was feeling a bit lazy at the time I made it. :P Note that I made this when I first started messing around with UnrealScript. I have evolved significantly since then (which you will be able to see for yourself through the new system that we will be revealing very soon on PlayINERA). :) Cheap or not, it does what it's intended to do. :) By all means, however, if you have implemented this system in a more 'posh' way only using UnrealScript, you're welcome to showcase it.
  17. They'd have to figure out the server-side bit too, though. :P
  18. We did not have a 'classic' interface. All modifications were made using the client's native interface (Gracia Epilogue). The On-Screen Damage function I made displays damage received/done in a static position on the screen. I guess L2Scripts have made some sort of DLL hook that can translate world coordinates to screen coordinates and just call the 'draw' function (I can't recall the exact name of the function atm) to display the text. I'm all about things looking pretty, so I made sure my implementation was as GoD-like as possible, whereas L2Scripts mainly focused on getting the positioning right. In any case, I don't think anyone would share this.
  19. I'm not an L2OFF developer, but I have done some looking around and I cannot find anything regarding the loot confirmation window within the interface. Also, apparently the party invitation window isn't handled via the interface either. So, I guess both windows are hardcoded within NWindow.dll. ExAskModifyLooting is the packet you're looking for. Hope this helps.
  20. Just wanted to chip in and mention the following: The Lineage II User Agreement which @Elfocrash quoted above only applies to those who have explicitly agreed to it (i.e.: clicked on the 'I Accept' button when presented with the EULA). So, unless one has an active NCSoft account, the EULA does not apply to them. Now, this obviously doesn't mean that NCSoft won't go after those who infringe their copyrighted work. They have every right to do so. The question, however, is... will they even bother? Last time they bothered they took down a fair number of GitHub repositories hosting L2j & fork sources.
  21. The PCCafeEventWnd is toggled by a server packet. What you can do is change the name of the script associated with it to 'undefined'. Some random name should work too, but I am not sure whether that would cause the crash the client as the window will probably by trying to attach itself to a non-existent script. You can try both solutions though. This is what you need to change:
  22. This is because the default positions of these two windows are hardcoded into the interface script file. OptionWnd.uc, OnTimer function. You have to decompile, modify and recompile interface.u.
  23. You'll get there. Just be patient and persistent. :) Bonne chance!
  24. That's weird. I've never had any issues assigning different default window positions. Can you give me the name of one of the windows so I can check?
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