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Everything posted by endART

  1. i love this game... damn graphic!
  2. Thanks, i hope it ll be usefully for all 1 who using L2 J *except me* :)
  3. lol again fail server... free domian damn
  4. Well, its loled. Downloaded 200kb/s and time left ~ 7 hours .. loled.
  5. Salot, L2 MxC it wont be any high rate type x5000 or x2000, max XP rate will be x100 ..
  6. My dream.. have a new girlfriend, and server with almost 8k online every day! :D
  7. GTA San Andreas rocks!
  8. hmm Paint ? :P
  9. i dont like Red Texture. It suck :D i love the blue one
  10. it should be Junk.
  11. yes, we're know, when L2 MxC will be opened! Its still secret, but we will announce it soon!
  12. lol InFam0usBites :D θα πρέπει να μάθουν μεταφράσετε! FTW!
  13. Well, now i will explain you, how server will looks. For sure, it will be interlude server! Rates; dunno yet, we're thinking about 10 or 15 OR x100. ofc no dupe exploit at all. as some1 said in here ' 100% bug fix" it is fixed already. If we made x100 server, then we need to make creation of new npcs . Its fuckin booring . anyway, if it will be x10-15 then there is no needed any npc buffer / gm shop at least . What about Staff, am sure, that Administration will be NOT corrupted and ofc expirenced in Dev skill. No laggs ofc .
  14. ότι υπάρχουν συνάδελφοι;
  15. alloz!
  16. haha GodPower. :D I will try at my net cOffe :F
  17. Well, nothing special. You can found it at every L2 OFF Forums.. anyway, thanks for sharing it there .
  18. lol ExTrEmEDwarf, i think he's looking for free dvamp key's :D
  19. Well, my idea is that, you need to Reintall Windows, install sql leval, server, and also set your ip from, whatmyip.com , then run from secound one pc . It should works.
  20. Well, you need to install SQL Leval at your PC, and just connect it with authd etc. that you have at other one pc. I never did it, but i think, its pretty easy .
  21. http://www.4shared.com/file/161548156/56a992bb/raid_boss_status.html Hope i help you :)
  22. i like it . 10/10
  23. Well, wrong section, it should be in [share]L2 OFF :P Cheers
  24. Well, MxC Staff want to up 2 different servers, IL with Low Rate, and C4/IL OR Hellbound with x100, no customs, just PvP . I think, its idea .
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