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Everything posted by endART

  1. spam section, is there can be all.
  2. Hello, i looks for rox PHP/HTML and photoshop knowedle-guy! I need to take ROX l2 website! Reward? Its really nice. Post here your msn.
  3. But where is questions? Request? where it is?! i wait.
  4. first 5 clans, with min 10 players online (diff. ips) will get AIO Character! For any questions; support : sephiroth@l2jenosid.com
  5. and also, some1 dev may fix all for you. I think about me or other nice guy, or just buy L2 off IL pack from NC - Soft with all updates .
  6. Get brain mate... you are so stupid..Its not Royal files 1st. Its my files 2nd. News , Still beta mode, server will move for few days on new dedicate machine. Online players was max 64, but we need just you!
  7. lol wreid site.... no forum, no nothing..
  8. Hello, if you have ANY question, to l2 off dev. Just post here, me , and anothers L2 OFF Dev's will help you in all things you want! Also this topic have point, to Maxtor's became me an L2 OFF Developer. Thanks in advence! I waits for your posts Sticky, if you wants .
  9. then i kicka your ass :D No1 w/o me have rights to thats files
  10. You wont get it. The files is secury by NC soft rights <lol> I block links, so you wont have acces to that.
  11. nice! but you can do it much better! Nice share anyway
  12. i dont get you by "over buff" is there from char ~ 20 mins cov Normal buffs 1h, and from aio 2h normals, 45 cov . Enoguh?
  13. yeah, too much l2j, and also as can you see (or no) AIO Chars have some more time of special buffs
  14. bump.. update; You will made accounts with yourself
  15. lol all told ya thanks, and no1 test it. Its no works.
  16. Yes, its usefull. Regads.
  17. Hello Maxcheaters Actually i tryin to bring 10-15 ppls, to join my beta server (off ofc) to check an dupe exploits etc. Why i write that there? Because i hope there is players, who can help me, to made some fixes in-da my server. Hope its will be you! What you need to have? - Lineage 2 C4 Chronicle - Skill to exploits - and time ofc! any1 who will wants to made that for me , just post here! I will made for you accounts, because my SQL panel get down (lol) Regads!
  18. hope it will works atm, as can i see mxc will be at dedicated. so..
  19. You are 24 age, and you can active 20 hours? Get brain, and life lol
  20. L2 OFF hero systm beat best of best l2j pack in da huge world. L2 off > all.
  21. I dont get you, for real. Some1 rr your server? Lol kinda how? Injection? lawl. Block ports.
  22. I dont get it, login and gameserver? There is authD , cacheD, L2Server and L2 NPC. and dont use no-ip just set to It will works wine @ spiros whats is the point of open's 7777 port? :F
  23. Pm me, i share with you Protection. It seems like Sielence, but no1 can damage yourself (also you enemy ofc) you also cannot use any potions etc. Its great Protection in me life ever i see (i found it some time ago), Every protection count from 5 to 0 , and again, again ,again. regards
  24. Why you have to made? You can search into google about ready GMshops, and if you need new gm shop , with Items alredy enchanted. Go made new topic, with request, then i will try to help you. regards
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