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Everything posted by endART

  1. One, what i have to say you, its Dont up server, when u have slowly machine, because there wont be future, but if you really need it, just pm me, with exacly, time etc. I will made for you script with some bonuss'es :P
  2. 11 Months at L2 Reloaded (HB) 3 times on Celes 4 times at Extreme (x10)
  3. Vista is nice effected, but take us such Ram. Then XP rocks
  4. ok so, i instal it again :P
  5. So, "problem" is only in that, about some1 must log-in game?
  6. Hello, yesterday i was try to turn on an files L2 off, but it doesnt works, i 'v got that error maybe its not error, but after 30 mins, nothing happend .
  7. Thanks Cobra. i will keep it, atm i makes new website :P
  8. lol, i dont know, how it will seems, but go search in google an Free CS Layout :P
  9. usually , to CS game, is using only forum :P
  10. Do not use it, its a bugged Account Manager, just made account, log account at the Manager, click "Change password" and just save a URL, to save it. If u have got an aio buffer on server, and you will share it with some1 for items etc, just go to link of Change password, done. u have got again your aio .
  11. Hello, its me again, i have again to upload for You an WebSite design for Lineage 2 Game. Here u go screen Hope you like it, and ofc Download link http://www.4shared.com/file/133663027/9b07e75f/heaven.html Credits: Criminal (Design) Me (Code) Karma is Welcome.
  12. HHAA ale z was naby. lol
  13. Hello, today i can present you my next share , its a Lineage 2 Site ( Its for L2 off but can be also used by L2j users) Here u go screen an site and download link of site; http://www.4shared.com/file/133659134/32ca7727/Platiinum.html Credits to Criminal (Design) Puncher (Code) Me (Code & Design Support) Hope you like it :P Karma is Welcome :P
  14. haha co za zjebany temat (lol) nie no, jak pisać w swoim JĘZYKU (lol) to piszę :P
  15. Maybe its fine, but i dont like a Anime :P
  16. Gta San Andreas < all
  17. I'v got 8 gb ram, and atm i using Vista Home Premium (Orginal Key) :P
  18. Its really funny.
  19. Its will be next fail im sure. Once what i like, its only a Girl (blonde or smth like that) Cuz is Polish Woman. Shes name is Iga Wyrwał :P He have most beautiful Tits at the world(i was reading it) (lol)
  20. endART

    11 December

    Polish FTW. I was seen Pudzianowski in real - life. He's fine.
  21. The next one; 1 St, new style 2 Nd, new styled Comments please, and tell me whats wrong (its my 3,4 signature in life)
  22. From this all, i cannot see any info about Take off your Items i mean the Sell it on paypal, like here membership Premium
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