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Everything posted by elmdd

  1. did you use vs2013 to create this version?
  2. man, you really are mad.
  3. I need a dll with source that can open links, just like the dll posted by elfocrash
  4. public static void changeProcess(BanProssesInfo process) { BanProssesInfo prosess = conteins(process); if (prosess != null) _list.remove(prosess); else _list.add(process); updateData(); L2World.getInstance().getPlayers().stream().filter(player -> player.isOnline() && !player.getClient().getInformation().isOfflineShop()).forEach(pl -> _list.forEach(pros -> pl.sendPacket(new BlockedProcessUpdate(pros)))); } Thanks man.
  5. hi, i have a question about ( -> ) on java 8. this arrow is what code in java 7? Sorry for bad en, and thanks for who can help me.
  6. Hi, im doofy dev from l2pvpzone, this is my old source acis base, there have some cheats working (new dupe items and cumulative skills) I fixed it recently, tournament event is not working well and not finished. I do not recommend buying this rev.
  7. Im Oseias, i send msg to Antonis. He cant fix my problem.
  8. I'm looking for some system to give hwid bans and maybe protect against some bots, I do not want sguard and nor smartguard. Payment 100euros paypal.
  9. Trust members ofc... But, protection dont work for everyone (including in my computer and I paid 120eu) Antonis send me a lot of updates trying to fix the problem, none worked, so I solved to open my server with first protection he sent me its was the only one was working on my pc, but more than 100 players cant use it cause l2 do not open, and all the time, some player get disconet cause problem on blowfishkey (it was a error on gs). At end, I deleted it, I do not recommend buying, now that they already have my money the support is over.
  10. How can I put more coin options for trading? Thanks. Edit: Forget it, i aready understand.
  11. ur moderator status will never arrive
  12. AcessDenied dont give my money back or even reply me. Last reply 18/01/2017
  13. I need it, just send me a msg if u have it for acis (WORKING), if u want money for dev I only pay after dev.
  14. I have.
  15. I want to buy this mod. Im using rev aCis. Please, send me a message.
  16. justin biber ²
  17. happy airiair old
  18. freya's weapons are possible for the interlude?
  19. very good type in my server donates weapons I would like them to be up to + 25 and normal up to +16 would make a change in this code for this? sorry for broken English
  20. borknagar
  21. the poblema and that the staff enchant a weapon + + + and not equip it and then exchange with other players and when the other player equip and banned sorry for my bad English
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