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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. mipos exeis kapio proxy i kapio diktio extra i kamia karta tsekare ta diktia sou, episis kane ena neo email kalou kakou gia test, den mou exei ksanatixei oute einai kapia lisi auti pou sou eipa alla einai vimata kai isws se voithisoun na vreis ti ftaiei
  2. vale swsta ta user/pass/ip/database tis vasis dedomenwn o server den mporei na kanei connect stin mysql paradeigma user = root pass = root ip = i localhost (pou einai to idio) kai vasi einai kapws etsi ip =
  3. esi an den... mporeis na anoikseis ena port min prospatheis kan gia server den se krazw gia kalo sto lew giati profanws ta perimeneis etoima enw me ligi anazitisi sto internet tha vreis pola
  4. sovara twra xreiazese guide gia na anoikseis ports? kane disable to firewall tou router pio eukolo fenete (firewall on<- auto tha to kaneis off)
  5. are you trolling yourself or what im trying to help him fix it for the world not for me..
  6. actually is there for a year almost maxtor's ignoring level is over 9000...
  7. auti i buffer den exei ena sql? e loipon tha pas stin vasi dedomenwn kai tha valeis ta buff sou
  8. apla alakse se kapio pack opws l2jfrozen l2jhellas l2jacis to l2j sketo einai full buggs leipoun pola pragmata kai exei pola provlimata odigoi gia na peraseis buffer uparxoun poloi...
  9. http://l2jhellas.info/index.php vale to provlima sou edw...
  10. because you might be pro and this looks to you like junk but for some persons this looks like "collecting" "comparing" "leeching" "learning"... about excalibur he know how to do it but he asks something else if you can read, read again propably you should stop spamming.
  11. i dont have esios pack but what code you taling about? all works perfect in consoles, the inside is the problem
  12. esios in last revs had unfinished jobs in AIO and some other things plus it doesnt have the most important updates that acis have (since its the mother pack) such as grand boss etc..
  13. :poker face: not even translated, sucks.
  14. or even better you create a link on the players account to spread and the new user that will create account by that link could recieve some reward and give the spreader who gave the link a percentage plus on the reward for bring hes friend so both users have profit
  15. after all this changes you can call it archid by 5%.
  16. kapou psaxnei o kwdikas na vrei stin vasi dedomenwn to "accounts" table alla den to vriskei..
  17. install java properly, most important use google. cant run program svn if you type it in google it will say something about subversion. one of those programs is silksvn ... dahhh
  18. doDie ekei mesa midenizeis to spree
  19. thats very very rare less than 0.0xx%
  20. little advice more format/cleanup in the code add missing licenses and update v. 2 to 3
  21. edw valan to hellas kai den mas afisan na ftiaksoume oute ena topic edw kai 4 mines tromparoun poloi edw mesa
  22. http://l2jhellas.info/
  23. search for a guide here about ubuntu might help you
  24. yes if you can also pm me a demo im also interested :)
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