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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. the shared one by you xeL with the commands i didnt understand how it can be done by week the olympiad and if anybody could help by telling me how the dusk/down wars start on that pack also :) (so i wont open another thread)
  2. nice but you didnt help me can you be more spesific on what command what math?
  3. y sure... you could fix it at least. i understand that l2off section is dead but its not my fault... guys that know doesnt share. (just a comment) ignore it it can and should be locked though
  4. hi how can i make multisell to sell 2 items at the same time example: {{{[codex_of_giant];1}};{{[im_mature_twin_coba];200};{[adena];50000}}} that one is selling the giant codex for 200 cobra and 50000 i want to make to sell 1 codex and something else for adena for example.. i tryed alot of times here is my main example one of them {{{[item1];1};{[item2];1}};{{[adena];1}}}; and i got error in console but it looks correct so i came here
  5. the topic was answered by rfsbqq solution is already posted. if im selfish because i searched about other questions in google after rfsbqq told me to do? when i decide i will share it in share section or maybe one of you devs can do it since you will do it the right way :)
  6. small bug on ai editor when you copy something and try to paste it in class search it gets pasted inside the class another one when you create new class the window does not disapear after it get created when you press create new class it have 2 options... you cant click them but you can click the general option create new class
  7. bicmac your attitude is bad.. your solution is in "your language" i really could not understand a thing of what you said, as i said im not dev i dont know some frases and im not good in english so i could not catch what you said but some others helped by giving example thats not my bad thats your bad. the "solved via pm" was search about a pack called "blabla" it have this buffer... so i searched the internet and i found a random buffer that worked. thats all. now if you come to show me your skill level you must be pathetic guy, solve your issues and be a man its not a street here im not your pal and i didnt call you names, learn to respect others even if they are dump you dont have to call them names. i see everybody have a problem with you in your "answers" if you want to flame in each of my post then DONT ANSWER IT you DONT HELP.
  8. thats a silly reason to give me... whats your age? lol kiddo..
  9. ToNoobForscool i can give you my personal skype so we can talk and help you more about those programs
  10. bigmac i have seen it work.. and since its working with the simple buffs (no effect) why it shouldnt with effects ^_^ there must be a way im optimist solved via pm.
  11. thank you for the answers about the buffer i mean yes to show the animation. 1 written the code in ai for all buffs with cast a skill with animation 2 all works except: dances/songs/Berserker.... this skills is not casted at all
  12. i already got payed :happyforever: and i already helped i gave the programms and lessons :-beep- yeah: and i might be in the team since she pays well just relax i was kidding why you flame im not 12 im 14 :poker face: -daaa..
  13. dude i just freaked out o....m.....g... 3 questions where i change the speed of mobs why i cant add in my buffer only dance/song/berserker skills with effects? (all the others work,tryed new skills/copy paste skills/other ids/nothing) how i can add a skill on mobs (thats a litle newby question but i stucked) thats my main problems that i look for..
  14. i have tryed alot of things and mostly npcdata.txt to change the example of cabrio level but i cand ingame still hes not changed and i see it blue for example i searched ai/txt/and some db as far im searching about 6 hours and i finally asking for help.
  15. when somebody try to make some money some other will give for free as always... go to hell
  16. there is no such think as "free help" (even for girls i made a good offer)!!
  17. pay me 100E and i will help you setup your server and more.
  18. well something like that not the tone. take an ai class that does the similar thing you want to do and create a new paste the code in and edit the parts you want or understand... the things you dont understand ask them this guys here answer fast :)
  19. consider a delete option when right click on AI editor ps a new class is created when you click on first sub menu not the other 2 this is bug plus a "move" option whould be also nice on build it will be more easy if program ask you "file exist overwite or save as(maybe)?" and if i press save (make AI backup) the build option needs always to go and rename the ai.obj.new -.-
  20. i cant thank you more dude this will also help other guys also its the only share in the forum that works. it works with some edit, perfectly.
  21. i searched for class masters but links dead except 1 that not works i dont want the test_server_helper 1 or 2 if anyone have it pls share
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