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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. its very whierd for xdrac he is professional designer (without personal experience but from what I see over the years and he had no reports until now as far as I know) aside that from what I see here is no deadline so maybe you can ask for money back or get the job done (with a deadline) both are the obvious options but time will tell because he must give an answer first this time at a deadline as forum's rules aquire this action. without defending this action (you never know) maybe something happent to him, if not time will tell. good luck and I hope it will be solved soon because this is stressfull for a client and I know the experience.
  2. the code is poorly written and its missing to many checks/protections its a basic "i am blue" and "you are red" with so many useless if statements, bad handle of try with resources http://prntscr.com/ha9m9a you could at least update/fix it instead of found and share cause not all knows how to edit
  3. thats never going to happen he is a DIVA when you talk to him you must know that. and all of your "bad" comments will be deleted and his new victims will be unaware of that.
  4. he does that every time, and then he comes back when clients report him here he always find a good excuse and he avoids ban you can search this "report section" and see for your self this is how he treats customers conclusion you only lost time you will get refund or job when you report him is simple :)
  5. or you can do it in voice command handler without touching the client and the player is using .facebook instead of /facebook
  6. i've been there you cant use individual tasks but one task for each move skill using moving attacking talking and you can load 4k players with 1% server load
  7. if you sell this kind of shit i will share acis/h5 version for fake players and destroy l2 for good
  8. you can always add the 117 or 118 or more... about the token as I did you can extend it up to 2-6 months on facebook
  9. so.. you use the api from the L2Test PAGE on facebook :D did you get it now?
  10. well the error is telling you something about your facebook maybe you need to check your api tocken or your page is not configured properly.
  11. in the first post it says After that search in facebook settings to change the url-name of your page to www.facebook.com/L2Tests and not www.facebook.com/HAW#$A#@ actually you only need to add the green https://www.facebook.com/L2Tests/ in config maybe this helps if you check the comments you will see that I pointed some errors did you fixed them for starters?
  12. the guy is learning either give tips or don't be an ass.. just to be an ass
  13. I don't judge, no matter how fast you did it is good code and is best to make it work as good it is about the the user html does not say the likes left its used in code its missing the %code% in html only and another suggestion in the admin handler a refresh button :) thats all from me good luck and it will be perfect to see a version 2 with updates and optimizations soon well done.
  14. in the commands there are missing checks for null character missing check for command (if command equals) and the return in cases with action fail String token = "the token"; sould be used config String token = Config.FACEBOOK_API_TOKEN; also you can use try with resources for results of database and make better handle on the multiple sql statement uses for better error handle the admincommand handler has unessasary text from the ban handler :) the config has wrong title (clan) the html has no back button on refreshing posts the user html does not say the likes left I found 2 NPE's in the method checkForBigString you could also add the config on server config you call unessasarily the config somewhere in your code to load asside the deprications its good :)
  15. I made a quick review on the code so far looks good I did not test it but seems to be having a little check's and NPE issues and some typos like WHERE obj_id=? that needs to be WHERE obj_Id=? you can also add some packets like actionfail
  16. because a rule in this forum does not allow small codes to be posted.
  17. you know instead of all this you can add MAX 10 lines of code (configs included) to add a global drop to when a monster reward.
  18. pare ena 600 ews 700 wat trofodotiko kai tha eisai entaksei gia to provlima pou exeis gia na min ksana parousiasti tha sou proteina ena UPS twn 100-120 euro
  19. if it was from your project it would have bugs and 10% of key code would not work go cry in some other topics and stop sniffing my ass every time i post its like i have a groupie. about what i said i admired the time needed to adjust it to acis its a big code.
  20. thats ripped off from l2jhellas? :o thanks for share
  21. you got me there... i never read elfocrash and share topics i know what is inside (full crap) that usually needs fix and this project will not die soon and because you said i didnt read anything i checked your code and i was right... everything is hardcoded and the resources needed for more than 10 simultaneously uses is for servers with no more than 50 ppl online back to my point of view (full crap) provide the cpu/ram used by that because i will not run shit... just for the others... :")
  22. since you're not sharing the main engine this is full crap, reasons many :dat: if you know what i mean... good luck for your new "workers/customers" and dont forget ppl this project will not die soon (ofc along with your servers). :troll:
  23. com.github.unafraid. something wrong here indeed but it seems that your link is not correct anyway and you get 403 error not found so links is wrong for starters...
  24. I reported him some times, for shared shit in client dev section but then he talked to me private it was the funniest shit of my life. a quote of whats been told to him "You are not a client dev, decrypting and encrypting wont make you also a client dev by meaning, accept the truth you're a joke." for god he sell's random stuff from russian forums and the templates even of this logo can be found on internet and by the way he's for sure not a designer. google the truth search this forum for reports that include him and you will find out that this guy used as excuses: himself almost died. half of hes family have problems or sick or dead. girlfriend problems. wont make you the job because f**k you thats why. and propably will answer you if hes in the mood. he bumps more topic in market than he is allowed to. well the hammer is coming the question is when.
  25. :you serious?: you're going to add this crap on acis? please.
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