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Everything posted by xin

  1. but whay l3?? couldn't they make ct 92.5?:P
  2. do i have to do sth to see that list, or that list shows always, and y dont see anytink else
  3. i have read that 5 times... and i dont know how are working scripts;p
  4. gameguare is blocking all pregrams that "are trying" to hack game, without gg u can use everything;p
  5. http://www.kongregate.com/games/Jiggmin/platform-racing-2 that one^^:P
  6. 2012... let's think about it... why 2012?? maybe sth with "euro 2012 in poland/ukraine??:P" maybe that game will be interestiong, but i don't like a trailer;p
  7. what chronicle?? stack subs?? dark elvens has best critical damage so u'll make best dmg by usnig dagger skills, but as sk u got ls -> u can paralyze enemy, u got cubics also (but best tank is pala or da imo:P)
  8. i dont think if it's good idea... imo better is to use "minimalize" lineage window when u run bot:P
  9. i rly dont understand that:P but if u wanna decrypt l2.ini u should use f.e. l2encdec or l2-FileEdit
  10. some1 was bored lol;p baldurs gate is not mmo;p
  11. no1 here likes gg??:P about npcmane -> u can do it alone by using lineage utils;p
  12. it's no matter if it's 2 or 1 handed weapon... if it's blunt or sword... but must be +conversion (f.e. homo+green7) and +hp
  13. search in google: lineage utils;p suefull is also l2-FileEdit
  14. best archer... all are good... sr is fast and biggest crit rate, pr is slower but biggest crit power, and he... he pwnz all, becouse he got passive skills for critical like dark elf and crit chance lvl 1 (light elf has lvl 2 without power) + snipe
  15. u need few high lvl chars and 1 ~40 lvl char (best is sorcer dlvled 52->43 - u have skills from 52 lvl but u r 43, so u can hit aq with big chance to drop ring) but that char need fullbuff:) so 2-3 high lvls chars are killing nurses, 43 lvl char is killing qa and other are killing enemys;p
  16. gracia > all other :) the world became bigger;p
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