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Everything posted by xin

  1. i got a question: what exacly are doing all that programs: -proxifier -l2fork -l2asrv -c5toIL ty for answers;p
  2. best name for clan is: CLAN best name for ally is: ALLIANCE ;p
  3. i dont care... if there is sth usefull in wow, why that can be used in l2??
  4. i dont think that there is the point. i dont know how to do it, but he dont want to make it free, he dont know how to MAKE that npc whaich change class (it doesnt work:P)
  5. i want to see, how dwarf looks on horse like;p
  6. u mean, when i start casting the force, do i have to switch the 1st char (f.e. sh//th) to th and back to sh?? and what u mean for ever?? -> to use skill which need force, or i can use that skill now all the time???
  7. but it works on mobs, so if u have problems with some quest monsters or sth u can try this;p
  8. dunno if u fix that or no, coz u didn't wrote anythink;p but i have also that situation what is in ur screen, but my walker is working... maybe u didn't extract host files?? if u didn't do that, u can log in with walker, but he will not run
  9. so to use f.e frenzy (with dagger to faster reuse) do i have to write sth like that: call(what i have to write here exacly?) { characterstatus(hp,<=,30) useitem(that dagger what i have) useskill(fezny) useitem(my main sword or blunt or pole) } return ?? anyway thx for help^^
  10. read 2nd post there... there is a quote, soe everyone can read that:P
  11. btw is there difference if i have 3rd class?? i mean i have to have 2nd class or can i have 3rd??
  12. try with pet;p i tryed to make that, what u wrote long time ago and it diddn't worked on my server, but u can try sth like that: make th (but don't "buy" any passive skill for def) if u have that char u need few things: 1- buff: zerk + any reflect damage (best if u got sws+ f.e. sps -> u'll get 2x reflect^^) + noble is usefull;p 2- buff to rb: zerk+might+focus+dw 3- eqip: best if u'll eqip formal wear + tatoo that decrease def 4- self buffs: ultimate evasion + Stealth with that i had about: -50 def or sth liek that:P when i agro rb he hited me for about 10kk;p but i didn't make any dmg to him on my server, but when i gited rb what has 5x hp (sth in fog dont remember:P), that mob died in 1 his hit^^
  13. it's not expliot, just trick (i dont know if it was posted, but i didn't found that:P) it's working for rbs what need quest to summo (like bumbalump, ashutar...) 1) u must do quest at 1st time 2) go to statuet or sth (place when u summon rb) 3) summon him (quest item will disappear) 4) u can hit rb now, but before he die u must leave pt, or some1 other must do last hit (u'll not get quest item what is needed to finish quest) 5) (DON'T DELETE QUEST) now u can summon that rb, without making quest again, until you or yours party will make last hit
  14. aw has good power but on stack subs th/da or th/pal is better imo.
  15. dn - agree, l2mafia is nice also, but boring... 99% ppl there make de/ty/pal/xx and they hit everyone for 50k dmg? -> 1 hit 1 dead... or ol/summoner/light elf mage/bp (or ol/es/bp/xx) and fight is like -> heal heal heal heal (with 10k cast speed) than 1 hit and again heal heal heal heal and 1 hit ...;p
  16. you mean you have items on infi and need in abyss?? if yes, write what items do you have, maybe u'll trade for coins or sth (i dont have items in abyss, but dc are easier to trade:P so write ur offers)
  17. maybe you have sth on x5??:> or just x15??
  18. dragon network, when drake wanted to do sth with mages... and when u eqip any hair/face accesory u got 0/inifinity mana and hp/cp and 57983475934 int ;p i have eqipped that, than i pked some1 near giran and when i was "red" about 20 ppl was hitting me for 10 min;p i died becouse of lethal strike:P
  19. pff... have you ever played diablo??
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