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Everything posted by xin

  1. with low cast speed ur summon will die fast, so u must eqip robe (just stary as far as possible) nightshade? maybe u mean that he sacrifice hp to restro yours hp... but with arcane agility u can summon him again fast, anyway u have good heal for summons, so if u know ps very good, and u know how to play, he will not sie do easy
  2. best car in d2 is sorc than barb imo:) sorc light ofc^^ 56k dmg with 120 cast speed
  3. looks nice, but i prefer lineage:)
  4. i dont like necronomicon, much better is amporphus+ ^^
  5. but now we know why in "star wars" weapon glows;p vader +16 buahah
  6. but can i target fhrought walls?? i mean target by clicking, not write "/target blablabla":P
  7. you should look for this in other section;p but all in one it's a good idea;p
  8. i dont like it:P i play lineage coz it's a nice graphic (imo better than wow) i dont want to play with a red slick;p
  9. to check skills/etc i use this site: http://lineage.pmfun.com
  10. that depend what patch u have:) anyway imo u should use robe only and (if u play c1-c6)use summon which make most dmg (if u play ct1+ -> ps will get death spike) use that skill to make dmg and summon -> nightshade (u got self heal about 1k hp:)) that is my opinion gl, hf
  11. to eqip/disarm dyes u must go to town so it will not working:) acrana power/arcana agility/... this is very good thing, but anyway u msut w8:) and not every1 is de/wc or de/ol :)
  12. i have installed that and it's working, than i tryed to configure, but every time when i click "stast blttle" -> nothink happens... some1 know what to do??
  13. there was a topic about d3 in other section;p anyway i've heard that d3 will be buyable in february 2009
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