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Everything posted by Raule

  1. cleaned and banned.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=jOy5-m8MAdQ&feature=related
  3. ROmanian emcee http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=sbbSUmfklRw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=VqMLazWlKjE&feature=related
  4. Your friend says in msn: hey nigca outside is snowing You: cool, give me link to see ;D
  5. what's the reason ?
  6. Raule

    Your Phone?

    prolly they were some of the banned users.. mine..
  7. i had no time to write but, i made it yesterday stiky icky :P
  8. Don't do it again, she'll think you are gay.
  9. Raule


    manea mecanizata
  10. look here, maybe you have luck http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hackintosh+problem&aq=2
  11. Raule


    Inna is from Romania.
  12. for no reason because your name is theviolatorx. If you dont like this rule, or forum, or any mod, just leave, nobody will care about you. locked.
  13. How do you will improve?
  14. true
  15. Chandy is back ?
  16. lol what the heck, few days ago you had no posts ;o
  17. k
  18. k
  19. k
  20. yoyo deleted
  21. salut Junkee?
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