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Everything posted by Raule

  1. you nap, wait for archid -.-
  2. seems he doesnt do for me :D anyway i would kill setekh for some adenas or anyone..
  3. why not ?
  4. thats one of the 3 things taht gf's are good.
  5. i make you a fast one if you want with smudge bc i dont have any brush c4d or anything , just gimi a render if you want..
  6. you know..it was my b-day etc etc :/
  7. I barely make sigs for me so dont ask me :D
  8. k locked, you got your + 1 topic created, all are happy now.
  9. yaw yaw
  10. whats the point of this topic ?
  11. Yu dont now hau to daunlaud ps ? :-s google!
  12. im not blane lol ;D
  13. asd fixed
  14. took me about 20 mins to make it, opinions ? Credits for uploading it: magaki 12,5 ;D
  15. write here the number replies
  16. people got scared of your name. It should be ISeeOfflinePeopleGR.
  17. You still make sigs? if yes i want one with an Emcee Text Raule Subtext: Rap Raptilian
  18. pana face serveru' :))
  19. Hb mate.
  20. whaza
  21. cel din mijloc e dj-u faibox si ceilalti sunt emceei. Asa tre sa facem si cu setekh pana face serveru!
  22. Omg.. to have a sister is even worse than your name to be Ventic.
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