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Everything posted by Raule

  1. cant call that muic hip hop, sorry :/
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehDtb_rUgvE&feature=related
  3. asta ce ai postat tu e manea mecanizata.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXJb5P1DDjg&feature=related
  5. pai plm ns, mie de nivelu ala imi pare muzica lu nane, poate nici atata.
  6. e bun ptr pusti de clasa 5-8
  7. manea mecanizata
  8. n-am ca scop sa ajung in top ?
  9. Raule


  10. no, i was joking ;D
  11. that's not fast, this is fast: this guy is from town.
  12. see ya tomorrow people.
  13. Ye i know you can go at barber you throw him out and you cut yourself.
  14. i throw one tear when i listen this song http://www.trilulilu.ro/silverxp90/ef8fc800de870a
  15. I want 34.566 wallpapers with super mario on 4 dvds( its size 20 gbs dam i played so much this game)
  16. people will never get tired of sad music ? :-s
  17. comedy
  18. im gonna watch an movie
  19. no no, poll changed
  20. asd
  21. i can change it but i cant remove it
  22. I would remove it but i cant :/
  23. wha?
  24. Send me money and i will give him banana Im joking, animaecvitatis did not spammed.
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