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Everything posted by Raule

  1. i stickied it, you cannot see the board if this topic is sticky or what ? :S
  2. mama mama dar ai doua mame
  3. nop.
  4. This topic has been moved to Junkyard Posts. [iurl]http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=166621.0[/iurl] refrain from this kind of subjects, thanks.
  5. Edited Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/albums/userpics/188611/akuma.png TExt: Raule Sub text : FurianSine
  6. i agree with Hellish`
  7. serfgdghfhg sdfsf
  8. topic stickied
  9. why the heck you put your hands in mods business:S i will warn prince for both accs, if i see any karma trades i will ban both accs.
  10. k
  11. can anyone could tell me how the heck i can see what version of nfs undercover i have ?
  12. we will, plus we will add new rules about how to join.
  13. gimi money and you can be how retarded you want, y'all accusing maxtor for taking money, dont tell me you wouldnt do it..i would :D
  14. ok i will ban him 30 days for all this.
  15. show me replies, karma logs.
  16. Nop, spam team exsists, show us you are capable for being a spam team member, and there you will not see any moron.
  17. We cant ban so easy people, only if i dont like him :D im joking. Let him do more shits and i will ban him.
  18. En topic will not suffer because of greek spammers.
  19. Ed has no time to moderate gr topic, plus that thread was full of people that thinks if they troll or flame, their dicks are bigger.That's not idiotic at all.
  20. k
  21. am facut 1 ron jumate deja, intrati si voi http://www.anno1777.com/index.php?i=54460
  22. Hey, Raule August 04, 2010, 08:18:12 AM * you have 1051 messages, 0 are new. Show unread posts since last visit. Show new replies to your posts. Total time logged in: 99 days, 17 hours and 47 minutes. you newbies
  23. 100 here
  24. I will ban him forever if he do it again.
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