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Everything posted by Raule

  1. brrrrrrm, whaza?
  2. ye hot chicks but you like chickens ;D im fine, as you see i timequited :P
  3. we dont care if you are fine or not ;D whaza fackar ?
  4. i know the moves but i hadnt time to practice.
  5. i dont have time because i must go at work, plus i dont care what that priest says.
  6. Where you've been? welcome back though.
  7. so what
  8. ugly poll
  9. invart globu in cerc si-l inec in ger si lava, a ce suna ?
  10. asd
  11. true mang ai flame she give trade and cancel pff my am + 65k him bugger him use cheat engine bam him ai doneit 3000 l2mafia i hev gud itans ai kill all 20k dameigi
  12. md, goddess? timequited.
  13. lasa sa zica :P sa nu scoti vreo vorba pe-acolo.
  14. maine cred ca iese si seth :P
  15. Erm, girl we know you will be l2 mod but dont smite now everyone ;D
  16. i-am zis io sa ma scoata din staff :P
  17. @Revenger Some people have good shares but are bad staffers, count yourself in this one. Don't take it personally, it's just my opinion.
  18. In what world do you live ? :P
  19. de mere :))
  20. Finding good staffers is by watching their overall work, not by competitions.
  21. My opinion, dont add people that got banned for flamming. After they will have some power they will start flamming, trolling again. The truth is people hardly change but dont do it Fedon.
  22. moon walk, heel toe and the v
  23. Erol to L2 Mod, he's capable. Furiosus to Gold Member, dunno if he's capable but i saw him reporting everyday. You can give a shot.
  24. Because i want.
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