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Everything posted by Raule

  1. la noi cand baietii se grupeaza in cerc, nu e bataie
  2. Raule

    I'm in love

    Ventic's girlfriend
  3. cea mai tare melodie din toate timpurile! http://www.trilulilu.ro/thereau25/2247499ad5d8e9
  4. ok, do it.
  5. gather 50 euros for me and i will do it, not with stupid signatures ;D
  6. Raule

    I'm in love

    instead of cutting an pig for winter you can cut her
  7. yes
  8. rgdgrdwqeads sdfxd asd where's my sig ?
  9. look now
  10. sucks sizes:\ thats why
  11. http://archid-empire.com/forum/ check logo
  12. i can make 10x more cool banner xd
  13. eu lucrez la forum astia la java =))
  14. you have delay on the same user only:/ Dont fix anything, i will ask Maxtor to delete all karma logs.
  15. Dont fix anything, i will ask MAxtor to delete all karma logs.
  16. te lauzi ca nu crezi dar esti prea om sa vezi, lumina, oare de undeo stiu pe asta ? :))
  17. cand ai 10 euro poti sa ii scoti
  18. This topic has been moved to Junkyard Posts. [iurl]http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=166697.0[/iurl] sdfdfgdgt
  19. thats childish
  20. intrati pe asta ma, am facut 5 roni cu 8 clikckuri :D http://www.anno1777.com/index.php?i=54460
  21. awesome
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