Lineage ][ Gracia Final
I saw this video and i was very exited. I think that Gracia Final will be very crazy :P . I didnt like gracia when it came out, but since i'v been in some low rate servers it started to like me. I like the changes. I think that it will be very cool to have a new set and some new weapons, places, pets, equipment and more. It seems to be very good. What do you think? Will you still play on Interlude (that i dont like), Hellbound (that i love), Gracia Pt1 / Pt2 or you will prefer to play on Gracia Final? ;)
For me NCSOFT made very good changes. The bad in them is that the copy some things from WOW :( but that didnt matter. I like L2 more then WOW and that will be so. :)
P.S.: Do someone know when will Gracia Final come out and be rdy for play?