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Everything posted by pa40

  1. that is great! :)))))) i cant wait until gracia final comes out :)
  2. What is that error from ??? IOError: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host PLS answer me as fast as its possible :( I tryed to run a server but when i try to connect in login it writes that.... :(
  3. that is great. :) i like kamaels and without wing they are so cool :) ty alot :)
  4. 111 points, so you achieved position 1970180 of 2629788 on the ranking list You type 165 characters per minute You have 26 correct words and you have 0 wrong words
  5. 2756 (lol? this is stupid ???)
  6. Spomgebob Square pants :D
  7. this is very old... i knew that a long time ago
  8. that sites are great! :) very good share. ty P.S.: OPS! i didnt saw that the post is old :(
  9. :O what is that set on the kamaels?
  10. i didnt knew that there is epic set for kamaels too. where did you took it? she is so beautiful :):):):):)
  11. very cool ;D does it work on Gracia ??? i will test it ;)
  12. when you restart computer is your IP changing?
  13. lol great :) i have the same but for Gracia 2 :D
  14. hm? interesting.... does it work on Gracia 2?
  15. i wish to fix the magic crit and the lethals. and some more things. and make the mobs a little stronger. it is too easy on Gracia :/
  16. mmmm. nice glow but.... i hate that kind of epic glows.
  17. i think that ithis is grat but i didnt understend anything :S can you make the same share but in engliush?
  18. that server is great!!!! :)
  19. dudes. i found a super cool Gracia 2 server. all is balanced and its super cool. www.l2racesupremacy.com that is the web site. its teh best server taht i'v played
  20. yeah all the flying things, pets and all will be in the Gracia final . i dont like C6 at all. i like more C4 and C5 but C6 not :S in C6 the gladiator is immortal, and that is bad. have soemone played on l2 INC?
  21. i will try it. it seems to be good :) if i like it i will invite all my friends here :D but is all ok? i mean, can every race kill every race or humans are FTW?
  22. Lineage ][ Gracia Final I saw this video and i was very exited. I think that Gracia Final will be very crazy :P . I didnt like gracia when it came out, but since i'v been in some low rate servers it started to like me. I like the changes. I think that it will be very cool to have a new set and some new weapons, places, pets, equipment and more. It seems to be very good. What do you think? Will you still play on Interlude (that i dont like), Hellbound (that i love), Gracia Pt1 / Pt2 or you will prefer to play on Gracia Final? ;) For me NCSOFT made very good changes. The bad in them is that the copy some things from WOW :( but that didnt matter. I like L2 more then WOW and that will be so. :) P.S.: Do someone know when will Gracia Final come out and be rdy for play?
  23. the quest is very dificult :(
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