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Everything posted by pa40

  1. Miss Platinum arrived on wings! Miss Platnum is a young german musician with Romanian roots that has already been support for German mega stars Peter Fox and Die Fantastischen Vier. http://de.alaplaya.net/assets/17933-hangover-bg.png[/img] You can play “She moved in” and “Why did you do it” from her latest album “The Sweetest Hangover” as well as the all time favorite “Give me the food” now in Audition. The modern sound of these songs matches the beat of Audition perfectly! The second sensation of this patch will give you wings! From now on real Audition addicts will be especially rewarded. Once you get to level 61 you’ll start getting awesome sets every time you do your 10th level upgrade. Have a small taste of what is awaiting you - we can already see your mouth watering ^_^: Of course, there will be more than 100 new items and a bunch of new fam shop items. And with the new “wardrobe” function you can change your loads of newly bought clothes while you are in a room and don’t have to get back to the item shop anymore. You’ll also find some new modi. If you want to compete just against your strongest competitor, you can use “B-Boy 1vs1” mode now. For all who like it fast there is now "Beatrush Random 4-keys and 8-keys" - and the real finger acrobats get "Beatrush Hard 4-keys and 8-keys". Last but not least – just a small but yet important feature. As you know sometimes you get into a fight with your partner, you are annoyed and want to break up immediately – but just some moments later you regret your decision. Therefore we updated the Couple Break System. You have to approve if you really want to break up – but of course we hope you don’t have to use the couple cancel at all! ^_^ Your alaplaya Team
  2. credits for lineage2media....
  3. Cool Guys and Sweet Nurses Week Today the world celebrates the International Nurses Day. Nurses always look very chic in their work clothes and Audition is famous for fashion – needless to say that we have to celebrate that day in Audition as well! ^_^ To our male fellows – don’t worry, we won’t forget you. With Father’s day coming up tomorrow in some countries we also have a reason to celebrate men. From today until next week’s Wednesday the 19th there is the “Cool Guys and Sweet Nurses Week” in Audition where you can receive a complete outfit – unlimited. All you have to do is to purchase items for more than 15,000 AP. After having done that, you’ll receive a coupon and you will get your gorgeous nurse outfit if you're female or your debonair guys outfit if you're male. Don’t miss it! Each outfit is worth more than 20.000 AP. Your alaplaya Team
  4. New Patch Coming Soon Boom! Audition is going to be hit by the next music bomb – the gorgeous Miss Platnum. Along with the next patch 3 awesome songs will shake your Audition world. Miss Platnum is a young german musician with Romanian roots that has already been support for German mega stars Peter Fox and Die Fantastischen Vier. Her voice is astonishing and her music is a magnificent and unique mix of modern beats and traditional Romanian sounds – your fingers will freak out when playing these songs in Audition! Besides the music of Miss Platnum the next patch will contain lots of fashionable items and some very special high level items! The patch will arrive by next week. Stay tuned and be excited! Your alaplaya Team
  5. S4League New PEN System ood news for all advanced S4 players among you: From now on, PEN are dropped by a new method. The amount of PEN you are rewarded with after every match increases according to your experience in S4League, isn’t that fair? This means the higher your level is, the more PEN you will receive. All players level 10 or higher will automatically receive 20% more PEN, all players level 20 or higher receive +25% and all players from level 30 receive 30% more PEN from every match they play. Level 10-19 +20% PEN Level 20-29 +25% PEN Level 30 or higher +30% PEN If that is no reason to intensively play S4League to level up as fast as you can…It’s worth it, literally. Go for it! Your alaplaya team ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Events For All Of You This month, there are events for all of you. No matter if you prefer AP Specials, PEN Events or if you're waiting for the right moment to spend AP for the first time, here's something for everyone of you: +25% PEN Event Prepare for another round of the popular PEN Events – this time, you have whole five days to sweep the board as the event starts on 12.05.10 and lasts until 16.05.10. So for five days, every match you play earns you the regular amount of PEN plus 25% on top. Simply get over the game and play any mission, any match or mode and for all the PEN you earn, you will get a quarter on top. FTAPS Event All players of S4League who spend AP for the first time will be rewarded with three capsules once. The capsules are the new G's Heavy Machine Gun Black Capsule you can see below. So if you have just decided to spend AP for the first time, get over to S4League and grab your free capsules. This FTAPS event takes place from 12.05.10 until 19.05.10. Take the chance! And don't forget that the capsules will be provided with 24 hours delay. 3/6/9 Event Also there is a new 3/6/9 event that comes with the new capsules G's Metal Storm Capsule and G's Heavy Machine Gun Black. The 3/6/9 event provides you with bonus capsules for all of the two new capsules you purchase during the event period. Simply enter the shop and get to the G’s Capsules. If you purchase 3 capsules at a time, you'll get one bonus capsule on top. If you purchase 6 capsules, you’ll receive 3 more on top. Purchasing 9 capsules gets you 5 on top. Purchasing 13 capsules actually gets you 19, and the purchase of 23 capsules actually makes 34! It’s raining capsules! The event is running from 12.05.10 until 19.05.10. PEN Event During the event period of the other events, there is also a PEN Event that doubles your chance to receive permanent items from the Fumbi Shop. Let Fumbi dance for you to get the chance to receive permanent items instead of any other duration. Within the time stated, the chance is twice as big, so let Fumbi dance like crazy! Have fun, your alaplaya Team
  6. if the clan dont play on interlude or c4 server i would like to join. and if you play low rate servers
  7. craft is better. crafting is exiting... :D
  8. Audition FAM Battle The epic Audition FAM Battle takes place on Monday, May 17th starting at 18:00 CEST. To apply, the FAM Leader has to choose 3 (+1 backup) of his best dancers and simply send a ticket to the Versus Department of our alaplaya Support Suite containing the following information: FAM Name Names of the players taking part (+1 backup) Levels of the players taking part (+1 backup) FAM points (min 160!) Application is possible until Friday, May 14th, 23:59 CEST. Any tickets coming in too late or lacking any of the required information will not be considered at all. MODE: FAM Battle Sync-4 & CC4 min 2 games min 160 FAM points! REWARDS: 1.200.000 DEN 600.000 DEN 300.000 DEN ENJOY THE BATTLE!!!
  9. yes im sure. i downloaded many system folders and file editors and still the same
  10. it dont opens the file thats the problem i dont open it. im trying to open and nothing
  11. what does this mean?
  12. i dont know what to do so im asking you guys. i try to edit my weapongrp.dat file on my epilogue client. and it writes me this: can not open file"C:\DOCUME~1\pa4o\LOCALS~1\Temp\RarSFX1\temp\weapongrp.txt". The system can not find the file specified. do somebody know whats this from? or how can i fix it? i tryed 1000 systems and many fileeditors and still the same. i dont know what to do. pls answer P.S.: i can open all the other files
  13. 1st Time AP Special Extended Because the 1st Time AP Special in S4League was such a big success, we have extended this event until May 11, so all first-time AP spenders still have the chance to get their hands on 3 free Toy Gun Capsules! Read further... The 1st Time AP Special is for all users who spend AP for the first time. So if you only recently decided to spend AP on alaplaya, this is the perfect opportunity to get more out of your AP. Get to S4 and get your free capsules! This event is extended untill Tuesday May 11, so you still have more than enough time to charge your account with AP and get over to S4League.
  14. Great Pants Week In the next few days a fashionable event will make its way to S4League: The Great Pants Week! During this event you can satisfy your need for all kinds of pants, long or short, striped or pink. All PEN pants come with 20% discount and all AP pants come with 25% discount from May 5 until May 11. So this is your chance to fill your wardrobe with all the pants you've ever wanted! Have fun, Your alaplaya team ___________________________________________________________________ Design Your Desired Items! Since the response to the Pimp Your Playa event we arranged recently was truly overwhelming, we decided to provide all the artists among you another opportunity to stun us with new creations: The S4League Item Design Event! This event is about revealing the items you always wanted to possess in S4League. Whether it’s a certain outfit, an accessory or even a pet, don’t hesitate to draw it and show it to us. But there is one limitation: No weapons allowed! As there are so many other items in S4League, that doesn’t matter at all, so bear in mind that we won’t, and don’t want to, review or rate any weapons you send in. Think of how many items are already in S4League, how broad the selection of costumes, headgear and accessories is. The most common thing to do would be entering this competition with deviations or modifications of existing items, so take the chance to create something totally new! The winner of the S4League Item Design event has the chance to wear a truly unique item of his own in S4League as we will move heaven and earth to get the winner’s idea into the game. The event takes place from 06.05. until 24.05. 2010. In order to take part, send an email to s4itemdesign@alaplaya.net that contains your artwork as attachment and your alaplaya nickname. And don’t forget that the closing date is 24.05. 2010. We’re really excited about your entries! Good luck and have fun, Your alaplaya Team
  15. 1st Time AP Special Extended Since the 1st Time AP Special in S4League that started with patch 17 was such a success, we decided to extend it until 11.05.10 so all first time AP spenders still have the chance to receive 3 Toy Gun Capsules for free! The 1st Time AP Special is for all users who spend AP for the first time. So if you have just decided to spend AP on alaplaya for the first time, this is the perfect opportunity to get even more from the AP you spend. Get over to S4 and grab your free capsules! The event is extended until Tuesday, 11.05.10 so there is plenty of time left to charge your account with AP and get over to S4League.
  16. [glow=orange,2,300]Controls[/glow] [glow=purple,2,300]Features[/glow] http://audition.en.alaplaya.net/assets/231-auditionfeatures-eng-kopie-jpg.png?radius=5&size=[/img] [glow=green,2,300]Levels[/glow] http://audition.en.alaplaya.net/assets/270-aud-level-chart-kopie-jpg.png?radius=5&size=[/img] [glow=black,2,300]Audition Patch Archive[/glow] [glow=blue,2,300]Guide[/glow] Website is here!
  17. too many mobs imo... make lesser mobs but they to be more hard and harder to kill... and delete the gates that are there so it will be bigger and hide somewhere bosses
  18. S4 OS World Championship Week The S4 OS World Championship Week takes place from Monday, May 10 - Friday, May 14 (qualifiers) and Saturday & Sunday, May 16 & 15 (Finals). Every day the matches begin at 18:00 BST. And this is how you participate: You must sign up for a group (English, Germantown, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Portuguese) - no matter what country you are from. You need a minimum level 40. To join, send a ticket to our Support Department Versus Suite, with this info: Language group which you want to play Your ingame level (minimum level is 40!) Your ingame name You can sign up until Friday, May 7 11:59 p.m. EDT. If you participate late arrival information is missing or you're lying on your level, you may not participate. Monday, May 10 - Friday, May 14 (Qualifying Rounds) This will decide who will play for each language team. The matches are done in OS TD mode. But five (two backups) players play in the Finals. Saturday & Sunday 15 & May 16 (Finals) The Finals will be played between the language groups in OS TD mode. Winners get three points and a tie 1 point. Who at the end the most points wins. Rewards 15,000 AP for every player from each team 30 BP for every player from each team So do you now!
  19. its very cool my friend. with anchor its too slow... i need only a sword, SP mastery skill and a accessory for SP and i will score 10times faster a score... btw its better then Station 2 for me :x Temple-M FTW :x
  20. S4 League Patch 17 Is Here The latest patch in S4League is here and it’s full of novelties! Patch 17 comes up with new costumes, capsules, a new map called Side-3 and on and on. Let’s have a closer look at what’s new: New Costume The simple chic Modest Set is out now! It is available for both boys and girls and comes with sleek, minimal styles. The boys have tops and bottoms of a stylish suit and the girls are provided with a shoulder free top and business style hot pants. The parts of the modest set are available at the shop among tops and bottoms, and when you have purchased both parts for 1 day, you’ll receive one of the new Toy Capsules. If you purchase the two parts for 7 days, you'll receive two Toy Capsules, and for purchasing the set for 30 days, you'll receive five capsules! New Capsules As mentioned before, there is a new G’S Capsule called Toy Gun Capsule. The Toy Gun comes in a very plasticky, innocent look but be careful! Its fire force is nothing for children to play with… Also there is a new Hand Gun Capsule containing the new Blue Hand Gun to suit your clan’s look: New Map A great hooray for all TD players: From now on, you can fight your Touch Down Matches on a new map called Side-3. It’s built of pipes and bridges and is full of great spots for very close close combat. That’s what it looks like: New Feature Arcade Mode is even more fun now as there's a new difficulty grade: eSper (expert) is for all players which already made it through the Arcade Mode. This heavy mode is playable from the release of the Patch. Try this! Events With this patch, there are also new events waiting for you to take part in. First, there is a capsule special featuring the new Toy Gun Capsules – a 3/6/9 Event. Second, all players among you who spend AP for the First time will receive 3 of the new Toy Gun Capsules for free! Watch out for the events and have fun with the new patch! Your alaplaya Team _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3/6/9 Toy Gun Event It’s time for a new round of the popular 3/6/9 Event! This time, it’s all about the New G's Capsules, the Toy Gun Capsule and the Hand Gun Blue Capsule. The Toy Gun comes in a harmless and plasticky look but be careful to not underestimate its fire force as it is as vivid and powerful as the regular Hand Gun you know from the game! Besides the Toy Gun Capsule, there is also the new Hand Gun Blue Capsule to suit your clan's looks. As you may know, the 3/6/9 event means that you receive bonus capsules for all capsules you purchase during the event period. Simply enter the shop and get to the G’s Capsules. If you purchase 3 capsules at a time, you'll get one bonus capsule on top. If you purchase 6 capsules, you’ll receive 3 more on top. Purchasing 9 capsules gets you 5 on top. Purchasing 13 capsules actually gets you 19, and the purchase of 23 capsules actually makes 34! It’s raining capsules! Starting on Wednesday, you can find the new G's Capsules at the G’s Capsules section in the shop. The 3/6/9 event takes place from 28.04 until 06.05.10 so take this chance to receive capsules like crazy. Have fun, your alaplaya Team.
  21. That`s your last chance! The time is running out for you. Come and grab rare items and weapons from the G-Capsules with a doubled chance. But hurry up! This chance will only be offered till the 26th of April.
  22. this is l2 dev tool but i think you are in the wrong selection and its not for moding textures, its to see the weapons without hosting a server
  23. We double your chance! You want to belong to the guys with the big fat guns? Finally we have opened the door for you to get some of these wonderful weapons. We doubled the chance on a rare and unique item or weapon in every G-Capsule that are currently available in the shop. But only for a very short period. The double chance for a unique item is from the 19th till 26th of April. So don’t waste your time and get as many rare weapons and items as possible. It’s up to you!
  24. Millionaire Event - Last Chance +++ Last Chance +++ Last Chance +++ Last Chance +++ Last Chance +++ Last Chance Since the Who wants to be a millionaire" Event is running out on Monday, 19.04.10, this weekend's going to be your last opportunity to grab Capsules and gain PEN like crazy. So whenever you're in the game, what could be better than a quick stopover at the shop to fill your pockets with PEN? Have fun... In our store you can get Fumbi Capsule 300 at 240,- and Fumbi Capsule 800 at 640,-… All you have to do is to go to the Fumbi Capsule section of our store and take that chance. Go for it! We can't wait to see who will earn the first million with the capsules, our forum is open 24/7. +++ Last Chance +++ Last Chance +++ Last Chance +++ Last Chance +++ Last Chance ___________________________________________________________________ VERSUS together with S4 Source The VERSUS Tournament will take place on [glow=red,2,300]Saturday, 24th of April, starting at 18:00 (GMT+1)[/glow]. It will be done in collaboration with S5 - S4 Source. The max number of applicants is 600, if we get more applications, the number of participants will be drawn by lot. Application is possible until Wednesday, 21st of April, 23:59 (GMT+1). Please provide the following information in your ticket you send to the VERSUS Department of our Support Suite: *S4 League Versus *your ingame name *your ingame lvl Mind you: Any application that comes in too late or lacks the required information will not be considered at all. Besides you may only take part with the very character mentioned in your ticket, we will neither allow attendance with one of your other chars or with namechange used!! Mode: Team Deathmatch 20 min per match S4 Room Laws The final match will be streamed at www.livestream.com/channels5 for viewers Rewards: 15.000 AP 10.000 AP 5.000 AP
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