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Everything posted by pa40

  1. OPS!!! on no one java server can everything work 100%. that that in one off server all works didnt means that on all java servers all works.... so pls dont write boshits :S
  2. i dont think that mages are OP on gracia.... and starfall looks like some things falling from the sky :)
  3. i searched how to make custom items soo many times. i can understend the other guides. and criticalerror makes so cool items :)
  4. hahhaahhaahhahaha :D very cool dude you are awesome :D
  5. wings???? (FOR ALL INTERLUDE LOVERS) play 1-2 days on Gracia servers to see that the mages arent OP.... the classes are more balanced then on interlude and the immortal heroes arent gladiator and necro. play a little with kamael to see that they arent OP and that when you learned to play with them they are very good.
  6. thats my favorite char too :) that skills are from books that you can learn at 84lvl :)
  7. for me the back cat ears and the white mask :)
  8. this game isnt new!?!?! where did you heard that its new?!
  9. i found that in youtube :D
  10. So. i will explain you how to go to olympiad with friendzy. 1st. You need a weapon with conversation. then you register for oly, put that weapon on, and put off your set. when you go to oly you put on bless the body and put all your items on and you will be on 30% HP. thats all :):):):)
  11. 4100ppl online :O:O:O:O:O i will play on this server!!!!
  12. yes i know that too... i saw one topic here for gracia plus prevew.... it will be something like hellbound and kamael (fixing things)
  13. look at that http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51713.0 !!! and i am totally agree with Intrepid. and on IL not only destroyers are too strong. Necros and glafiators are OP ( very very OP). One friend told me to play on l2 DEX and i was with spellhower and he with necro... i cannot take his CP down.... and every gladiator makes a damage bigger then 1000 with sonic rage ... >,>
  14. i had posted that a long time ago >,> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51713.0
  15. how to close the topic???
  16. //admin - Brings up the admin menu. //gm Toggle GM status //gmchat - Sends a global message that only GMs can see. Usage: //gmchat Type message here //snoop //gmliston - "Register into gm list //gmlistoff - "Remove from gm list //silence - (To enable/disable private message mode) //saveolymp - Save olympiad //manualhero - Manual select heroes //atmosphere <signsky> <dawn> - Sets current sky to either Dawn or Dusk, as seen by members of the winning cabal. //atmosphere <sky> <day>- Sets current sky to either day or night. //diet - Current status of diet mode for player. //diet on - Enables diet mode. //diet off - Disables diet mode. //play_sound Brings up sounds page. //play_sounds //edit_character - Opens menu to edit targetted player. //current_player - Opens character list. //character_list - Opens list of online players. //show_characters - Opens list of online players. //find_character - Opens the find player menu. //save_modifications - Saves the edits done to the targetted player. //nokarma - removes karma from target player //setkarma <value>- sets karma of target player to value //rec - Recommnend targeted player //settitle - Set title of targeted player //setname - Set name of targeted player //setcolor - Set name color of targeted player //fullfood - Full feed targeted pet //invis = to hide your character //invisible - to hide your character //vis - to unhide your character //visible - to unhide your character //known on - to unhide your character from known list //known off - to hide your character from known list //earthquake <Intensity> <Duration> - Creates an earthquake //para_all - Paralyzes all players //unpara_all - Unparalyze all players //para - Paralyze Target //unpara - Unparalyze Target //bighead - Gives target a big head //shrinkhead - Returns targets head to normal size //polymorph - character npc id //polymorph item id to poly target into id //polyself <npc> - Used to polymorph yourself into a mob //unpolyself - Returns you to the normal state //polymorph item <itemid> - Polymorphs an item //gmspeed <value> - Use //gmspeed value = [0...4] //changename <new_name> - Change name of targetted player //add_exp_sp_to_character - Opens the xp sp menu of the targetted player. //add_exp_sp - Adds xp sp to targetted player. Usage: //add_exp_sp xp_number sp_number //remove_exp_sp - Remove xp sp from targetted player. Usage: //remove_exp_sp xp_number sp_number //tradeoff - Current status of trading for player. //tradeoff on - Enables trading with other players. //tradeoff off - Disables trading with other players. //reload skill - Reloads skill data. //reload multisell - Reloads multisell data. //reload teleport - Reloads teleport locations. //reload npc - Reloads all npc. //reload htm - Reloads htm files. //reload item - Reloads item templates. //reload instancemanager - Reloads instancemanager. //announce_menu - Opens the announce menu. //list_announcements - Lists the current announcements. //reload_announcements - Reloads the announcement list. //announce_announcements - Posts all announcements in list. //add_announcement - Adds an announcement. Usage: //add_announcement Your announcement here //del_announcement - Deletes an announcement. Usage: //del_announcement Your announcement here //announce - Posts an announcement. Usage: //announce Your announcement here //ban - Used to kick and ban a named players account. Usage: //ban kadar //unban - Used to unban a named players account. Usage: //unban kadar //kick - Used to disconnect named player. Usage: //kick kadar //kick_non_gm - Used to disconnect all regular players //kill - Kill targeted player/NPC //jail - Used to jail named player for a number of minutes. Usage: //jail kadar 10 //unjail - Used to unjail named player. Usage: //unjail kadar //banchat - Mutes a player. Usage: //banchat kadar //unbanchat - Unmutes a player. Usage: //unbanchat kadar //bbs - Brings up comunity board //add_level - Add levels to target char. Usage: //add_level 5 //set_level - Set level of targeted char. Usage: //set_level 50 //heal Heal - target player or players in radius. Usage: //heal 200 //help - Opens help page //invul - Turns invulnerability on/off //target - Used to target a Mob or player. Usage: //target kadar //cache_htm_rebuild - Rebuilds and reloads the HTML cache. //cache_htm_reload - Reloads the HTML cache. //cache_reload_file - Reloads the HTML cache for a single file. //cache_reload_path - Reloads the HTML cache for a specified directory. //cache_crest_rebuild - Rebuilds the cache of pledge crests. //cache_crest_reload -Reloads the cache of pledge crests. //cache_crest_fix - Fixes problems with incorrect displaying of pledge crests. //changelvl - Changes a targetted players access level. Usage: //changelvl Access_level_number //itemcreate - Opens the item creation menu. //create_item - Creates an item. Usage: //create_item item_id //cw_infos - Get infos on cursed weapons //cw_remove - Remove specified cursed weapon. Usage: //cw_remove 8190 //cw_reload - Reloads cursed weapons //delete - Used to remove a targetted NPC. NPC will not respawn. //character_disconnect - Used to disconnect a targetted player. //open - opens targetted door //close - closes targetted door //openall - opens all doors //closeall - closes all doors //edit_npc - Used to edit a NPCs stats. Usage: //edit_npc npc_id //save_npc - Saves the editted NPC info. //recall_npc - Teleports targetted NPC to you. //show_droplist = Shows the named NPCs drop list. Usage: //show_droplist npc_id //edit_drop - Edits the named NPCs droplist. Usage: //edit_drop npc_id item_id [min max sweep chance] //add_drop - Adds a drop to the named NPCs droplist. Usage: //add_drop npc_id item_id [min max sweep chance] //del_drop - Deletes a drop to the named NPCs droplist. Usage: //del_drop npc_id item_id //showShop - Shows a targetted vendors shoplist. //showShopList - Shows a targetted vendors shoplist. //addShopItem - Adds an item to a vendors shop. Usage: //addShopItem Shop_ID item_id Price //delShopItem - Deletes an item from a vendors shoplist. Usage: //delShopItem Shop_ID item_id //editShopItem - Edits an item in a vendors shoplist. Usage: //editShopItem Shop_ID item_id Price //box_access - with box targetted, shows access list //box_access - char1 char2 to add players to box Usage: //box_access kadar LadyPain //box_access - no char1 removes player from box access Usage: //box_access LadyPain no kadar //clear_teams //setteam_close <team_name> - Join players in radius 400 to specified team //setteam <team_name> - Join targetted player to specified team //enchant - Opens enchant menu //seteh <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for head slot //setec <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for chest slot //seteg <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for gloves slot //seteb <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for feet slot //setel <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for legs slot //setew <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for r_hand slot //setes <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for l_hand slot //setle <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for l_ear slot //setre <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for r_ear slot //setlf <enchant_level> -Set enchant level for l_finger slot //setrf <enchant_level> -Set enchant level for r_finger slot //seten <enchant_level> -Set enchant level for neck slot //setun <enchant_level> -Set enchant level for under slot //setba <enchant_level> -Set enchant level for back slot //event - Opens event page //event_new - Opens new event page //event_choose //event_store //event_set //event_change_teams_number //event_announce //event_panel //event_control_begin //event_control_teleport //add - Add event //event_see - List events //event_del <event_name> - Delete event //delete_buffer //event_control_sit //event_name //event_control_kill //event_control_res //event_control_poly //event_control_unpoly //event_control_prize //event_control_chatban //event_control_finish //fight_calculator - Show fight calculator //fight_calculator_show - Show fight calculator //fcs - Show fight calculator //geo_z - Get Geo_Z //geo_type - Get Geotype //geo_nswe - Get heading //geo_los - Check line of sight //geo_position - Get geo position //geo_bug - Add bug comment Usage: //admin_geo_bug you coments here //geo_load - Usage: //admin_geo_load <regionX> <regionY> //geo_unload - Usage: //admin_geo_unload <regionX> <regionY> //geoeditor_connect Usage: - //geoeditor_connect <number> //geoeditor_join - Join active char //geoeditor_leave //server_gm_only - Only GM can access server //server_all - Public access server //server_max_player <number> - Set max players value //server_list_clock - Toggle clock displayed next to the server name //server_login - Opens login server edit window //mammon_find - Lists the current location (if any) of the Mammon NPCs //mammon_respawn - Lists the current respawn times (if any) of the Mammon NPCs //list_spawns <npcId> <teleIndex> - Teleports to the player based on the given spawn index (from using //list_spawns <npcId>). //msg <ID> - Used for testing SystemMessage? IDs //char_manage - Opens characters manage page //mobmenu - Opens mobgroup.htm //admin_mobgroup_list //mobgroup_create //mobgroup_remove //mobgroup_delete //mobgroup_spawn //mobgroup_unspawn //mobgroup_kill //mobgroup_idle //mobgroup_attack //mobgroup_rnd //mobgroup_return //mobgroup_follow //mobgroup_casting //mobgroup_nomove //mobgroup_attackgrph //mobgroup_invul //mobinst - Opens mobgrouphelp.htm //mons - Used to start the Monster Races. //pn_info - Path node info //show_path //path_debug //show_pn //find_path //view_petitions - View petitions list //view_petition - View petition //accept_petition //reject_petition //reset_petitions - clear the petition queue //forge //forge2 //forge3 //pledge <create> <create> - for targeted palyer //quest_reload - Reload quests (curently disabled) //restore - Restores a broken player info. //repair - Repairs a broken player info. //res - Resurrect player //res_monster - Resurrect monster //ride_wyvern - Command used to summon and ride a wyvern. //unride_wyvern - Command to dismount and unsummon a wyvern. //ride_strider - Command used to summon and ride a strider. //unride_strider - Command to dismount and unsummon a strider. //unride - Ride dismount //buy - Opens the GMShop. //gmshop Opens the GMShop. //server_shutdown - Starts the shutdown process. Usage: //server_shutdown Number of seconds //server_restart - Starts the restart process. Usage: //server_restart Number of seconds //server_abort - Stops the server shutdown. //siege //add_attacker //add_defender //add_guard //list_siege_clans //clear_siege_list //move_defenders //spawn_doors //endsiege //startsiege //setcastle //clanhall //clanhallset //clanhalldel //clanhallopendoors //clanhallclosedoors //clanhallteleportsel //show_skills - Lists targetted players skills. //remove_skills - Removes the targetted players skills. //skill_list - Opens skill menu. //skill_index - Opens skill menu according to players stats. //add_skill - Adds a skill to a targetted player. Usage: //add_skill Skill_id level //remove_skill - Removes a skill from a targetted player. Usage: //remove_skill Skill_id //get_skills - Temporarily gives you the skills of a targetted player. //reset_skills - Restores your skills from before the get_skills command. //admin_remove_all_skills //admin_give_all_skills //skill_test <skill_id> - Test a skill. Usage: //skill_test 100 //st <skill_id> - Test a skill. Usage: //st 100 //show_spawns - Opens spawn menu. //spawn - Spawns a Mob on current target. Usage: //spawn npc_id //spawn_monster - Spawns a Mob on current target. Usage: //spawn_monster npc_id //spawn_index - Shows menu for monsters with respective level. Usage: //spawn_index level //unspawnall //respawnall //spawn_reload //npc_index //show_npcs //teleport_reload //spawnnight //spawnday //show_moves - Opens the teleport menu. //show_moves_other - Opens the teleport menu named other. //show_teleport - Opens the teleport menu. //teleport_to_character - Teleports you to the named player. Usage: //teleport_to_character kadar //teleportto - Teleports you to the named player. Usage: //teleport_to_character kadar //admin_teleto - Teleports you to the named player. Usage: //teleport_to_character kadar //move_to - Teleports you to coordinates given. Usage: //move_to 11111 22222 3333 //teleport_character - Teleports targetted player to coordinates given. Usage: //move_to 11111 22222r 3333 //recall - Summons a named player to you. Usage: //recall kadar //admin_walk //explore //admin_recall_npc //gonorth //gosouth //goeast //gowest //goup //godown //tele -show teleport window //admin_failed //test These //test commands are for the universe mapping feature (developmental) //test uni - flush Save universe map //test hash <number> //test uni Return universe size //mp on - Start packet monitor //mp off - Stop packet monitor //mp dump - Save packet history //known on - to unhide your character from known list //known off - to hide your character from known list //unblockip <ip> - Unblock an IP Usage://unblockip //zone_check //zone_reload
  17. i think that too... i dont like servers with too many bulgarians :/
  18. i have played on C4 for a long time and all chronicles after C4 too.. so i dont know why do you think so but i am tyred to play on the same chronicles with the same things.... i hate the dynasty set but now not all ppl will be with dynasty cuz dynasty heavy, light and robe are the same but vesper is cool and on CT1> are many new places and the kamael race is not very bad if you know how to play with it !!!!!!!!!!!
  19. cool. that means that the new zones will be fixed?
  20. thats boshit and that isnt so. Interlude is heavy... gracia isnt so... the most heavy chronicle is Interlude and the most gracia server are from kids... no developers = stupid. and there are a lot of good CT2 and CT1 servers. and more skills doesnt mean more bugs. and for me interlude ist good for PvP because most of the players are gladiators and necromancers.... and if you make a server you dont need only to download a datapack and change the rates... you must make it more interesting and balanced PvP... i am not agree that interlude is better. for me interlude is worst....
  21. can you make them for gracia final too ??? :):):)
  22. what does that mean? that there will be an other gracia client that will be after gracia final? something like hellbound?
  23. why most of the ppl think that interlude is better then gracia ??? that is very interesting for me. somke ppl tells that more skills and more new places means more bugs. can someone tells me why? for me that isnt so. for me gracia is better
  24. :O:O:O:O this is very good man. i dont know how did you made them but they are very nice :):):):):):):)
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