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  1. You can buy patched system from @AlisaCodeDragon. System is not being magically patched, someone does it and it requires some knowledge. If you don't have the knowledge then you should at least have the money.
  2. https://bitbucket.org/MobiusDev/l2j_mobius.git/src
  3. Don't reply to me, I'm pretty sure you didn't even get 98% of my comment.
  4. To sum it up, just because that topic still exists and just because there's still tolerance for such garbage and missleading topics to exist in here. Files worse than the free version, https://bitbucket.org/MobiusDev/l2j_mobius.git/src A dumb fuck that claims that mobius sources contain backdoors yet none found so far in an opensource project. 4 Pages of replies to a "very skilled developer" that uses google translate in order to reply in his own topic. Yet this topic is still available. Every traffic is a good traffic I guess!
  5. https://bitbucket.org/golberg_soft/l2j_golbergsoft_classic_tales_unhold/src/main/L2J_GolbergSoft_Classic_Tales_Unhold/java/l2j/gs/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestMagicSkillUse.java Proper credits should be added.
  6. His html design work is truly exceptional! Recommended for sure!
  7. even (if) this happens there's no alternative to AAC and it's not even comparable with other protections
  8. this "interlude" you mean?
  9. China, North Korea, Russia are looking for him, I guess you forgot to add a poll for Prigozhin fleeing in US
  10. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/24/wagner-boss-says-march-on-moscow-halted-to-avoid-bloodshed
  11. Good job done there, but being honest this could be done in a much easier to configure way, what you need: 1 instance of fake player controllable by normal player with an auto-farm function attached on - for example: Add a bypass to send the GMInventoryWnd to player containing all bot's items. Modify RequestItemUse (add proper objectIds / ownerIds checks). You can still implement the inventory idea on your current version. Good luck with your sales!
  12. Free: Paid: https://www.l2jgabdev.com -> Search for autofarm Contact @HyperBlown Otherwise it's depended on the base files that you're using: L2JSunrise got their own autofarm system implemented. Contact @`NeverMore https://l2jsunrise.com/autofarm-server-bot-for-l2jsunrise/ L2JEternity as well got their own autofarm system implemented. Contact @LordWinter
  13. As the title says I'm willing to buy Protocol 418 Interface.u / InterfaceClassic.u source + compiler | Interface.xdat / InterfaceClassic.xdat editor. Contact me via MXC DMs
  14. PawnAnimData.dat Find -> death_mfighter Replace with -> Death_FX_MFighter
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