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✘ ɢʀᴀᴘʜɪᴄ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴜʀᴇ ✘

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✘ ɢʀᴀᴘʜɪᴄ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴜʀᴇ ✘ last won the day on June 25 2020

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  1. I would like to remove few things from the settings menu. Here is the full interface. > https://mega.nz/file/DhQziAJA#lWo6gHMEdTyMokZ0lsOL45h-JwO0OFd-caDrz95PZSs I tried but It didnt work. https://gyazo.com/102b35731c5ad638fc0c9959bd72071b I want to remove this lines. (look attachment) @NevesOma could you help me?
  2. Bot server, no real people.
  3. Sadly the custom jews don't give good stats, have many bugs. I'm sorry for leaving this server.
  4. How fast will be the farm?
  5. after changing the NPC's with default I get this error 2021.11.17 15:36:18 OS : Windows Vista 6.2 (Build: 9200) CPU : AuthenticAMD Unknown processor @ 3394 MHz with 2047MB RAM Video : Radeon RX 560 Series (16006) General protection fault! History: UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.ShadowBitmapMaterial ShadowActor[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial148) <- TestReach <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial148) <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.ShadowProjector ShadowTexture[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowProjector 22_22.ShadowProjector383) <- AActor::Serialize <- TestReach <- (ShadowProjector 22_22.ShadowProjector383) <- ULevelBase::Serialize <- ULevel::Serialize <- TestReach <- (Level 22_22.myLevel) <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.GameEngine GLevel[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TestReach <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TArray<< <- UGameEngine::L2SerializeRootSet <- UGameEngine::L2CollectGarbage <- UGameEngine::DetachLevel <- UGameEngine::CheckPurgeLevel <- Level_was_loaded <- UGameEngine::L2_Teleport <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
  6. No, I have few custom NPC's from the internet that I'm using for exchangers and GM Shop..
  7. OS : Windows Vista 6.2 (Build: 9200) CPU : AuthenticAMD Unknown processor @ 3395 MHz with 2047MB RAM Video : Radeon RX 560 Series (16006) General protection fault! History: TestReach <- UObject::GetFullName <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.ShadowBitmapMaterial ShadowActor[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial92) <- TestReach <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial92) <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.ShadowProjector ShadowTexture[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowProjector 22_22.ShadowProjector157) <- AActor::Serialize <- TestReach <- (ShadowProjector 22_22.ShadowProjector157) <- ULevelBase::Serialize <- ULevel::Serialize <- TestReach <- (Level 22_22.myLevel) <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.GameEngine GLevel[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TestReach <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TArray<< <- UGameEngine::L2SerializeRootSet <- UGameEngine::L2CollectGarbage <- UGameEngine::DetachLevel <- UGameEngine::CheckPurgeLevel <- Level_was_loaded <- UGameEngine::L2_Teleport <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop I get this error sometimes but its really annoying, how can I fix that?
  8. Charge for things that already someone created already and exist? Will you pay for copy paste this text: "Unique NPC"
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