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Williams last won the day on August 4 2024

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  1. O GeoEngine 17_10 está com problemas, os animais de estimação estão escondendo as torres. https://vimeo.com/1036037180?share=copy
  2. I recently had an idea to create shorts on YouTube to implement within the game to create tutorials with videos but I can't connect to the client, would that be possible? I can't play the video inside the game but I can open the video outside the game.
  3. my discord williams0ff
  4. I'm sorry about the leak, you're a good guy. I talked to you a little and I saw that you really want to do something good for the community. I stopped using your leaked sources years ago because it's unethical but I'm still using older sources with my own corrections. I hope your effort isn't wasted.
  5. I'm upgrading my aCis and I came across these files. I didn't see any connection with the Client because all High Five projects use this?
  6. Hello, I would like to know which interface class I can change Adena's name to another name.
  7. I created an account on the ip test acis server ( to test, I don't know if it's up to date but there are still movement bugs in the water, was this fixed in the 408? Because this is fundamental and basic, for the price you suggest at acis with a bug like that it doesn't make sense because at acis 401 public it's the same bug. Link Serve test: aCis PTS "Blackbird" is on ! (i-live.eu) Bug Zone Water: https://i.imgur.com/Z2mk23e.mp4 Bug Moviment: https://i.imgur.com/vKFGNVl.mp4 Bug collision Height: Bug Target Party : https://i.imgur.com/SaiWHVw.mp4 Fix Bug Target Party aCis public ( 401) : https://i.imgur.com/yFNOiAk.mp4
  8. I corrected this but the way you took the Frozen example is not the best way to correct it in PlayerAI, good luck.
  9. I come here to show some of my work for any L2j version. Base project for the work: L2jAcis 401 I will constantly update when I create more demonstration videos. SellBuff System ( Online And Offline Mode ) : 50€ Payments: PayPal / Binance Videos: NOTE: If I have broken any rules, please send me a PM.
  10. I recently created a Recipe for custom items but I always get Critical when opening the item list. Is there a bug in the Interlude client? Erro: History: UUIDATA_ITEM::execGetItemAdditionalName <- UObject::execClassContext <- (RecipeManufactureWnd Transient.RecipeManufactureWnd0 @ Function Interface.RecipeManufactureWnd.ReceiveRecipeItemMakeInfo : 03E9) <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (RecipeManufactureWnd Transient.RecipeManufactureWnd0, Function Interface.RecipeManufactureWnd.OnEvent) <- XMLUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent <- NConsoleWnd::ReceiveRecipeItemMakeInfo <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=RecipeItemMakeI <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop recipe-c: mk_jewel_of_antharas_i 872 9291 1 6656 1 100 5 7 9225 1 9226 13 9227 30 9228 30 9218 30 3470 18 858 1 for it to work it needs to be done like this:
  11. probably there is no valakas @911reg fixed the problem thanks my friend here is the picture!
  12. which classic version has these icons? I'll look for the edges and create it
  13. which version because I need the valakas item and I can't find it I looked for those and they don't have
  14. I would like to know which chronicle these items are
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